Had Alex seen them coming? Had he staged that almost kiss?

“That picture of us here will be on blogs tonight and all Cordovian media outlets in the morning. I can just imagine the headlines; Serving the Chef After Hours. Or some such nonsense.”

By the haggard look on his face, Jan revised her thoughts of Alex staging what had just happened between them. He didn’t want the press’ attention. Especially if all they cared to write about him was negativity and lies.

“I’m sorry, Jan. I didn’t think about them dragging you and your reputation into this too.”

“Clearly, I don’t care what people say or think about me,” she said. “You’ve met my ex and my parents.”

Alex hadn’t let her go. He pulled her closer but not into his chest. He tucked her under one shoulder like a brother would a sister. Whatever possible passion had existed just a moment ago, that flame had been extinguished by that photographer’s flash.

“Let’s go and check out our new restaurant.”

They turned their backs on the street and walked into the establishment. Though Jan’s excitement had died down somewhat. She was a fool. Here she was literally walking into her dream business, but she was fantasizing about a kiss from a prince.

Chapter Seventeen

“Children need to fill their heads with academics as well as the arts. Music, movement, expression, all strengthen the brain.” Esme spoke into the microphone though she didn’t need the amplifying device. Her voice rang clear and loud across the crowd gathered out in front of the elementary school as she spoke on her first initiative; an early learning institute for children under the age of six.

Alex stood behind his soon to be sister-in-law. The soon to be part of that title seemed unnecessary. Esme had been a fast friend the first time they’d met. He looked at her like she was a sister before his brother came to his senses and realized Esme was the woman he wanted to share his throne with, raise his daughter with, and spend the rest of his life with.

“She’s in her element,” Jan whispered, beaming proudly at Esme’s command of the crowd.

Jan stood beside Alex. They were both on the stage alongside Esme and Leo. But they had taken a step back and were off to the side so that Esme could shine.

Alex had always been content to stand in the back and watch Leo at work. Leo had not taken a step back from his intended bride. He stood looking down at her. His hand was possessively laid at Esme’s lower spine. His eyes glowed with something beyond adoration.

Watching Leo as he watched the woman he loved, Alex felt a twist in his chest. There were the private glances Esme and Leo stole, the secret smiles they shared. Alex had never felt that with a woman. He’d never considered exploring the possibility of those emotions.

Alex’s own fingers rested lightly at Jan’s low back, but he had no claim on the strong woman standing beside him. He’d never wanted any claim on a woman. His fingers curled around Jan’s hip, bringing her closer. He told himself it was so that he could whisper back to her.

“They were meant for each other,” Alex said quietly in Jan’s ear.

He didn’t miss the smell of shampoo in her hair. It was the smell of toasted coconut. It wasn’t enough that she surrounded herself with food all day and night, the woman even bathed in its essence.

“I’m happy for them,” she said. “They prove that some people who you’d never expect on the same path, could not only meet but continue their journey in life together.”

“Why Chef Peppers, that was almost poetic. Don’t tell me you’ve turned into a romantic.”

She snorted. A few heads turned to them in the audience. Followed by a few flashes of cameras.

Alex pulled Jan into his hold. He rested his chin atop her head. He told himself it was to protect her from the press’ scrutiny. They stayed locked in the embrace for the duration of Esme’s speech. When polite applause sounded, announcing the end of Esme’s speech, Alex found himself reluctant to let Jan go to join in on the praise.

“Thank you all for coming,” Leo said, stepping up to the podium while still not relinquishing his hold on his fiancée. “We have time for a few questions about the new early learning program.”

Hands shot up. Leo pointed to one reporter. Alex sighed when he recognized the reporter as Lila Drake from The Royal Times. She turned away from Leo and Esme and promptly aimed her mic at Alex and Jan.

“Prince Alex, how did you propose to Ms. Peppers?”

Alex raised his head from Jan’s. He didn’t come forward to speak into the microphone. He didn’t care if his voice carried to the tape or not. He also held back because he didn’t want to encourage anymore questions other than this one.

“I proposed in her pie shop. It was over a slice of pie.”

The laughter of the female citizens gathered would definitely be caught on tape. If the tape recorders

and video cameras hadn’t heard his response, it would certainly be repeated for the straining ears.

“This was last week?” Lila continued her line of questions.