She was. She just had to clear out the rest of the baggage from her home. “My parents are here.”

Alex’s grin fell flat. “I don’t do well with parents.”

He went to take a step back, but Jan grabbed a fistful of his shirt and dragged him inside. “Mom and Dad, I want you to meet Prince Alex of Cordoba. My business partner and fiancé.”

Her parents blinked and then blinked again. Maybe the fog had cleared from their vision of her? Maybe they were finally seeing her clearly, for who she was, who she’d always been, and now the woman she was meant to be?

“Mr. and Mrs. Peppers, what an honor to meet you.” Alex bowed.

A silly grin spread across her mother’s face. “Truly? A real live prince? Our Jan?”

“Why, I never would have imagined it,” said her father.

“Gee thanks, guys,” Jan said under her breath. Nope. Her parents didn’t see her anew. They still didn’t believe in her.

“I certainly never imagined a creature like Jan could be real.” Alex pulled her into his side and gazed lovingly down into her eyes. “Surely, you must’ve known from an early age that your daughter was the most extraordinary thing to walk this earth.”

Jan forgot how to breathe. For someone who didn’t do parents well, Alex was acing this particular interlude.

“If not as a child,” he continued laying on the charm, “then certainly the first time you tasted something she pulled out of the oven.”

“Well,” said her father, “she does make good pies. Although a little weird.”

“No, they’re not weird at all,” Alex insisted. “She told you she won my country’s pie making contest last month.”

“You won a contest?” said her mother. “Jan why didn’t you tell us?”

Jan remained mute. The twitch in her eye threatened to start. But even that nerve was too tired to be bothered. So, she simply closed her eyes.

Alex pulled her even closer until she was in the crook between his shoulder blade and his chin. He turned his head and planted a kiss on the top of her head. Jan felt the soft pressure of his lips at the crown of her head, and her stress melted away.

“I’m sorry for sweeping her away on such short notice,” he said, sounding entirely unapologetic. “But there’s much to plan. We’ll be delighted when you come for a visit.”

“For the wedding?” said her mother.

Jan felt Alex gulp. His Adam’s apple worked against her temple. “Of course,” he said. “But first for the restaurant we’ll be opening together.”

“A restaurant? What a brilliant idea,” said her mother. “I’ve always said couples who work together stay together.”

Jan could hear the hinges in her neck creaking as she craned her head to gape at her mother. But her mother didn’t see. Carol Peppers only had eyes for Alex.

“Oh, believe me,” said Alex. “I intend this partnership to last a lifetime.

Jan knew he was referring to their business relationship and not the fake one. But something in her heart did a flip. She quickly told it to hush up. She would not be walking down any aisle that wasn’t inside a kitchen. She would never make the same mistake twice.

Chapter Eleven

Alex snuck glances at Jan who sat beside him in the backseat of the hired car. She chewed her lip and thrummed her fingers on the door handle, right over the lock button. The door was currently secured as they maneuvered through New York traffic on their way to the airport. Every once in a while, Jan’s index finger would tap the button, disengaging the lock, and setting the gears free.

He wondered if it was a subconscious move. Was she trying to get out of their deal? Was she trying to flee?

He had nearly run away from the scene with her parents. But he’d planted his feet and stayed. After she’d dragged him inside. He had to admit, he’d put on an impressive show.

Maybe it had been too impressive? He knew, that like him, Jan had no interest in marriage. That’s what made her a perfect business partner. As well as a perfect fake fiancée. Their goals were entirely in alignment. At least he thought they were?

“I can send someone to pack up the rest of your things if you like,” he said.