“You had me at the first bite,” said Rogers. “I don’t need a discussion. I’m in.”

Cody gave a thumbs up as his mouth was still full.

“I want to say no because I’m sure you’re going to ruin my figure,” said Phoebe as she placed a second slice onto her plate. “But who needs a man when you can have pie like this.”

“So, that’s a yes?” Alex’s heart pounded hard in his chest.

In response, all he got from the investors was a chorus of mmmms. It was good enough for him. He swept Jan up into a hug.

“We did it,” he said pulling back from her. His face was less than an inch from hers. If she truly had been his fiancée, it would’ve been nothing to lean in and kiss her. But because she hadn’t yet agreed to that small detail, he decided he needed to carry her away from prying eyes.

“Please continue to eat up while I have a word with our pie maker,” Alex said, pulling Jan into the back of the kitchen.

“We did it.” She beamed once the door to the back closed behind him.

“We did.” He nodded.

“And I’m free of Chris.”

“You are,” he agreed.

“You’re not paying him off,” she insisted. “I’ll take on that debt.”

“Not on your life. The check will be written and delivered to him tonight.”


Alex cut her off before she could begin to argue. Her ex was the least of their problems. “We have a more important situation that needs attention.”

“What?” She looked at him expectantly.

“Those three want to invest, but they need collateral.”

“I don’t have much in terms of savings, but I’ll contribute whatever I can.”

The urge to kiss her again overwhelmed him. Jan was the type of woman who would give her last dime for something she believed in. “I have collateral.”


“I just don’t want to resort to using it.”

“I don’t understand.” She took a step back from him, getting nearer to the door. “I thought you were serious about this business.”

“I am.”

“You gave me your word.”

“And you still have it. Just let me explain. There’s this inheritance. It’s quite a large sum. I’ll get it on two conditions. When I turn twenty-five at the end of the year. And when I marry.”

Jan’s brows shot up. “You’re getting married?”

“No.” Alex raised his hands in a stop motion. “I have no desire to get married. But they know about the inheritance. If they think I will get married and will get the inheritance, they view it as collateral.”

Jan nodded slowly. He could see the wheels turning in her head. “So, you’re getting married.”

Alex sighed. Why was this harder than he expected? Probably because they were the only two people in this room who didn’t want to get married. “Not married. Engaged. By the time I’m twenty-five the business will be profitable and it won’t matter. You see?”