He cleared his throat once, twice, and a third for good measure. “Jan, my darling, these are the investors interested in our new restaurant.”

“Your new restaurant?”

Alex turned to look behind Jan. A lanky man in a suit too big for him gaped. His features were screwed up at the two of them as though someone had picked up the toy he’d just discarded.

“What’s this?” the man demanded, surprisingly without stomping his foot. “Who are they? What’s he talking about?”

Alex knew these questions were meant for Jan, but he supposed he should answer as Jan’s wide gaze was still fixed on him. Likely trying to work out why he’d kissed her and was calling her endearments. He probably shouldn’t have announced their plans so loudly while her current customers were enjoying their fare.

Alex turned from the disgruntled customer at the counter to face all the diners. “I’m sorry everyone, but it’s true, I’ll be stealing away your favorite pie maker.”

There was a collective groan. Many people looked down at their half-finished pies as though Alex was preparing to take Jan’s food directly off their plates.

“I’m not a customer.”

Alex turned back to Mr. Lanky Suit behind him. He’d already forgotten the man was there. Alex looked at the packaged pie in the man’s hands, then back up at him. Alex’s raised eyebrows told the man that he begged to differ.

“I’m her current partner.”

“Business partner,” Jan corrected.

“Really?” Alex frowned. “She’s never mentioned you.”

“Well that’s who I am,” said Mr. Lanky Suit. “And she can’t go into business with you when she’s still tied to me.”

Alex looked down at Jan. Her gaze was narrowed at the man in the suit. Alex was certain he didn’t need to ask Jan if she wanted out of this particular knot or not. And then he recalled a chat with Esme. He remembered Esme telling him that Jan was in business with her ex.

Was this the same ex that had left her at the altar? And now he was trying to keep his hooks in her? Alex had never counted himself a hero. But at that moment, he itched for a cape.

“Well, consider yourself a free man.” Alex pulled Jan more firmly into his side. “I’m buying you out.”

Mr. Ex in a Suit balked. “Even if you could afford to, this business is not worth it.”

“She’s worth it.”

Alex might not want to dip into the crown’s funds for his own needs. But to save this particular damsel in distress from that villain in a cheap suit, he’d happily raise taxes. Being done with that conversation, Alex gave the man his back and motioned Jan over to where the investors had taken front row seats. Before they came to the table where the three people who truly would change their lives were seated, Alex chanced a glance down at Jan.

He expected to see anger on her face at his machinations. He was wrong. Jan gazed up at him, a bright smile on her face. It was the first he’d seen from her, and he was dazzled.

“You have no idea …” she began but didn’t complete her sentence.

Alex wanted the idea. He wanted the scheme and sketches to the idea. Just to know what it took to make her that happy. Because he’d like to do it again and again.

“That was quite a show,” said Ms. Morgan.

“Sorry about that,” said Jan. “Some people don’t know when it’s time to move on.” She was all grins as she watched her ex sulk out the door.

“Is this the pie?” asked Rogers, motioning to the dish Alex held in his hand.

Alex sat the pie on the table between the three investors. Jan brought over a knife and spatula and began the process of slicing and serving the pie. If Alex had not already known Jan was the one, just the smell of the pie would have convinced him. When he took a bite for himself, he was ready to give the woman anything she wanted.

The burst of flavors nearly knocked him to the floor. He looked over at her. Amazement and pride and excitement had to be clear on his face because he saw it reflected back in her gaze.

“This is delicious,” said Gordon Rogers.

“Best thing I ever had,” said Cody Walsh.

Phoebe Morgan said nothing. She was too busy chewing with her eyes closed and her head tilted back in what looked like ecstasy.