The country’s leadership let out a collective, disgruntled sigh, but when the pie was put before them, they dug in. For glorious moments, mouths were filled with sweet and savory treats instead of arguments. Leo waved his slice away. He’d had enough to chew on for today.

“Just try a bite,” Alex coaxed from his spot on Leo’s right. “It’s like tasting heaven. Jan and Esme worked all evening on it.”

At the mention of Esme’s name, Leo waved the server back over. Just one bite wouldn’t hurt. Of course, he was wrong.

Just one taste of the pie brought the kindergarten teacher clearly into focus in his mind. The pastry was sweet and airy but also complex and layered. He went back for a second bite.

“I hear wedding bells are in your future,” said the Prime Minister from his spot on Leo’s left.

All clattering of silverware, all conversation, all chewing came to an immediate halt. All eyes cast downward as though no one wanted him to know they were eavesdropping. Leo took a moment to swallow the last morsel of his second helping.

“Of course, we hoped for a Cordovian pairing,” said the Viscount of Jucar. “But a Spanish duchess will suffice, I suppose.”

“Especially one in the maritime industry,” said the Prime Minister. “The union will create jobs for our citizens.”

“All well and good for Cordoba,” said Daniel who was seated a few chairs down from Leo. “But what about his majesty’s heart?”

Now heads did raise. Not only heads but eyebrows. Everyone looked around as though they weren’t sure what the earl’s punch line was.

“My heart is upstairs,” said Leo. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a moment to say goodnight to my daughter.”

He made his way out of the dining room. He knew his country had a stake in what he did in his personal life, but he was not going to discuss it around the dinner table as though it were a parliamentary procedure. He was going to do the right thing. He always did the right thing. It was in his breeding.

He knew in his head that he was doing the right thing by considering marriage to Lady Teresa. He knew it was the best thing for Cordoba’s future both as a monarchy and as an industrial state.

His head was very clear on those facts. So, why was his heart thumping a different tune? And why was his head paying attention to the b


It pounded in his chest, begging for his full attention. It had never beat so loud or so clear in his life. At least he supposed it hadn’t. He was a logical man and always trusted his intuition and deductive skills. But Leo couldn’t remember a time when he’d listened to his own heart.

Arriving at Penelope’s door, he heard voices. He knew she was there before he opened the door. He felt her before he saw her. That sweet and savory smell of hers knocked him back when he cracked the door open.

“My mother used to do this; tuck me in. And then my father would lean down and kiss my forehead. He still does that. Even if I’m sleeping.”

“How do you know he does it if you’re asleep?”

“I suppose I can feel him, you know, in my heart.”

Esme leaned down and kissed his little girl’s forehead. Leo remained stock still in the doorway, looming like some great beast as her delicate finger lovingly caressed his child’s features.

“Father will get remarried one day soon,” said Penelope. “Do you think my new mother will tuck me in even though I’m not her daughter?”

“She won’t be able to help it, Pea. You’re so easy to love. I only just met you, and you’re very dear to me.”

“We’ll always be friends, won’t we Esme?”

“Forever and after, sweet pea.”

Penelope closed her eyes and slipped off into dream land. Esme planted another kiss to the child’s forehead. She leaned over and stared at Penelope for a few moments longer as though she were saying a prayer or casting a benevolent spell like a fairy godmother.

Wow. Now she had him doing it; believing in fairytales. Him, the no-nonsense, by-the-book, country-before-heart king of this realm was off in Lala Land.

Esme froze when she saw him. But in that same instance, she smiled at him. The fireworks in his head were now bombs being shot from his neurotransmitters. The blasts cleared every thought from his head, and his heart raced to take the lead.

“Good evening, your majesty.”

She curtsied. Well, her approximation of a curtsey. It was more of a bending bob. She straightened and looked at him expectantly. Whether for him to remark on her manners or to respond in kind, he wasn’t sure. Leo was too busy fighting the war raging inside him, and he was losing. He stepped inside the room and shut the door behind him with a snick of the lock.