Esme strapped into her seat with a smile. As the plane taxied onto the runway, she prepared herself for the part of the story where her life changed forever.

Chapter Fifteen

The unfasten your seatbelt sign came on overhead followed by a message from the pilot about the expected duration of their flight. Leo did not unfasten his belt. He needed the extra security to ensure that he stayed put. With the curtains still pulled back, Leo was able to see into the staff section of the plane.

Alex sat with Jan, the pie maker. The two put their heads together, likely talking spices and sweetmeats. Jan quirked an eyebrow at the prince every now and again. But more often than not, a look of consideration crossed her features, followed by a small smile, and a reluctant nod of agreement. For resisting his brother’s charms, Leo decided he liked the woman even more.

Two of the flight attendants hovered about just outside of their view. Those two gazed down at Alex in the way women often did his brother as though he were a priceless handbag or pair of shoes that they knew they couldn’t afford but still hoped for. Alex was entirely focused on Jan and the piece of paper they passed back and forth between them. Food was his brother’s only passion. Unfortunately, there was little way to exercise a passion for the culinary arts for a prince.

Then there was his little Penelope. She gazed up, her eyes shining bright, her smile wide and genuine. Leo couldn’t remember the last time he saw his daughter smiling in pure joy. His gaze traveled over to see why. He knew the source before his gaze landed on her.

Esme grinned down at his daughter as though Penelope were a flower blooming. Plenty of women were nice to Penelope. Be it because of her status or because of her relation to him. But Esme had taken his daughter under her wing before she knew he had any attachment to Penelope.

In the kitchen, and even now, Esme gave Penelope her full, unadulterated attention. Esme had a small smile on her face with just one corner of her lips lifted. It was her amused smile.

Wow, had he already begun to learn the woman’s smiles?

Yes, he had. He knew that when she leaned in with her hand on her chin; she was consid

ering what had just been said to her. He knew that if she tugged at her lower lip with her thumb and index finger; she was waiting to talk. He knew that her eyes squinted when telling a tale and then everyone else would lean in.

Yes, he knew her looks, her expressions, her motions.

“The duke’s not winning this year,” said Alex as he slunk down into the seat next to Leo. “Jan is going to crush whatever second rate chef he brings in. The woman’s a genius.”

It took Leo a moment to focus on his brother and his words. Alex and the Duke of Mondego had a long standing rivalry. It stemmed from them being two of the youngest royals with wealth and good looks. They constantly needed to find new ways to one up each other, be it a swimming competition, racing sports cars, on down to who found the best chef to win a pie making competition.

It was juvenile. But Alex could be in to worse things. So, Leo didn’t complain. Still, he’d pulled the pie maker across the ocean to participate in his little sparring contest.

“Is it really so important that you win that you have to drag people from their lives like play things?” said Leo.

“I invited two women to an island paradise for the weekend. When would they ever have an opportunity like this?”

“So, you’re calling them beneath you?”

Alex opened his mouth. Then appeared to think better of speaking his first thought. “Which is it? Am I inconsiderate or ignorant?”

Leo sighed and turned away from his brother. Alex could be a pest of a little brother when he wanted to. He leaned over to Leo and kept buzzing in his ear.

“I thought you liked Esme.” When Leo didn’t respond Alex buzzed closer. “Oh, I see. You like Esme. Perhaps a little too much.”

Leo reached for his seatbelt but still didn’t trust himself with freedom. He yanked headphones from the side of the seat and plunked them over his head. Unfortunately, he forgot to plug them in. The cable dangled over his knee for Alex to see and know that Leo could still hear every word he said.

“This is great,” said Alex. “It’s finally happened. You have a crush on a girl.”

“Stop it,” Leo commanded, peering into the front of the plane to see if they’d been overheard. No one looked up. And Alex kept going because Leo’s powers of state didn’t extend to his brother.

“Well, we’ll have to have The Talk.”

“There will be no talk,” Leo growled. “There will be no anything. I’m practically engaged.”

“But you’re not.” Alex’s face sobered. He placed a hand on Leo’s shoulder and, for one of the few times in his life, looked earnest. “It doesn’t have to be the same as it was before. It doesn’t have to be a business arrangement. It could be something more.”

“Has my little playboy of a brother suddenly become a romantic?” Leo snorted, trying but failing to brush his brother’s hand from his shoulder.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” said Alex. “But I do want what’s best for you. You deserve happiness. Especially with all you do for everyone else.”

Leo brushed the notion off. “Marriage has been done this way amongst royals for centuries.”