Page 12 of Built To Last

If it was possible, the smile on Jake’s face grew even larger. “That’s my specialty. I told you my grandfather was a woodworker. Every one of my homes has a lot of custom woodwork. If I could make a living carving custom pieces, I would.”

She envied him knowing exactly what he wanted out of life and finding a way to make it happen. To this point, that hadn’t been the case for her. But it would be. Soon. As soon as she could get out of Laguna Beach. But right now, sprawled next to Jake on a blanket in the middle of the woods, she had a hard time picturing herself leaving.

Chapter Six

JAKE SQUINTED AWAKE and rolled his head from side to side. The sun hung lower in the sky than when he’d closed his eyes. He couldn’t believe he’d fallen asleep, Bella at his side. Erin had too, snuggled up to Bella’s other side, her arm slung over his pooch’s back.

The three of them were probably a sight.

Erin’s face was so peaceful in sleep, her features relaxed. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he saw something special in her. Strong, but vulnerable. And everything he’d learned about her since that first glimpse had confirmed his first impression.

And she was here. With him. If he could slow down time and live in this moment, he would.

He couldn’t believe he’d talked about his grandfather with her. He didn’t share his love for woodworking with many. It felt too personal, too private. He was content building homes, but his passion was woodworking and custom cabinetry. Granddad taught him how to wield a carving knife from an early age. As Jake got older, Granddad introduced him to some of the specialty tools of the trade.

He had taken to it like a fish takes to water. From the moment he handled a simple piece of wood, his hands and fingers moved a tool with ease, exploring the wood and exposing shapes until the final image made its presence known.

To him, Erin was like an uncarved piece of wood. There was an Erin beneath the surface that had been hidden by the years of adult responsibilities she’d taken on. That new Erin was just waiting to come out.

He was contemplating what he could do to get to know her better when Bella jumped up from the blanket and barked. Jake propped on his elbows. “What do you see, Bella? What’s out there?”

Erin startled awake.

A field rabbit darted back and forth in front of their blanket, Bella close on its heels, as it tried to avoid Bella’s eager jaws.

“Bella, leave the poor bunny alone. Bella, here.” He snapped his fingers. “Here.”

Bella slid to a stop on the pine needles and pouted at Jake like he’d taken away her favorite toy. He shot her a look and she lowered her head and ambled over, the disappointment on her face causing Erin to laugh.

“Sorry to wake you up. I guess Bella had been still for about as long as she could handle.”

She scrubbed her hand down her face and patted her hair. Even rumpled from sleep, she was beautiful. “I can’t believe we fell asleep. Some first date, huh?”

He threw her an easy grin. He wasn’t complaining. “Great date, in my opinion.”

“I guess we need to head out.” Disappointment rang in Erin’s voice and mirrored his feelings.

“Probably. We don’t want to be caught out here in the dark.” Although having to end his time with Erin was disappointing, it was for the best.

She placed her much smaller hand in his when he offered it. It was only for a moment, until she released his and brushed down her jeans, but he mourned the loss of her touch all the same.

Erin collected the last of the picnic items and after packing everything up, they headed down the trail. They walked in companionable silence. Jake, for his part, was lost in thought about what was developing between the two of them. He hoped she was thinking the same. A couple of times, their hands brushed, and he considered linking his fingers with hers. The third time her knuckles grazed his, he took the chance, threading his fingers gently through hers.

Her head snapped to their joined hands and then her gaze locked on his. A look of confusion passed through the hazy depth for a moment but then her smile grew and it filled her eyes with happiness. Holding hands with Erin felt good. Right. Maybe too good, considering he’d only known her for a day.

Her steps slowed as they approached the car. “I wish today didn’t have to end.”

The wistfulness of her words washed over him and sank deep into his heart. He agreed completely. There had to be a way, something they could do, to spend more time together. Finally, an idea struck him. “It doesn’t have to end. I’d love to have you over for dinner.”

She sighed and her shoulders sank. “I really should check on my father.”

“You do that a lot, don’t you? Look out for your father and your sister?”

“Someone has to.”

Her devotion to her family warmed his heart. Lindsay hadn’t cared about family, even after knowing how important it was to Jake. “How about we go by and check on them and then you can come back to my house for dinner?”

Erin’s eyes brightened. “Really?”