The conversation moved to lighter topics. Before long, the girls had rinsed their dishes and loaded them in the dishwasher before running off to Lizzie’s room.

As soon as he heard the bedroom door click shut, Cameron asked, “What aren’t you telling me? Did something happen at work?”

“No, nothing like that.”

“Whew.” Cameron swiped her hand across her brow. “So, what’s going on?”

How did he get so lucky to find a woman who recognized his moods and supported him like this?

“Some aspects of the testing have had problems. Major Williamson wants to send me overseas.” As he spoke, he searched Cameron’s expression for any sign of distress. After Josh left them high and dry, he couldn’t blame her for being wary. “He knows my situation, and I think he’s hesitated because of that.”

Cameron dropped her gaze to her empty plate. “Do you want to go? Into the field, that is?”

He could lie and say he was one hundred percent happy where he was, but it would be just that. A lie. He linked his fingers with hers under the table. “Well, I do and I don’t.”

She forced a smile, but a shadow descended over her eyes. “What does that mean? Do you want to go or don’t you?”

He struggled to find the words that would explain his sense of duty in a way that a civilian would understand. “Of course, I want to be with my unit. And I want to see this system that I’ve been pouring myself into be put into action. It’s my duty and I feel like I’m letting my team down by not being with them. But I have Mariana to consider.”

And Cameron, but he wasn’t sure she would want to hear that right now. She continued to stare silently at their joined hands.

“Cameron, Look at me.” He rested his hand on her cheek and she leaned into him, like she needed the connection as much as he did. “Nothing has been decided yet. I’m still working from here and while there are some concerns, no one has pulled the trigger on a trip overseas. And if they do, I’ll talk about it with you. You’ll know where I’m going and for how long. All right?”

She nodded, but a wariness lingered in her gaze. He pulled her into his arms and felt her tremble.

Was he ready to give Cameron up? Deploying might mean she would break up with him. She’d already dealt with one man who couldn’t be there for her and Lizzie and may not want to commit to another.

Chapter Eight

Cameron scanned the photos on the wall as she dodged two women rushing by, both wearing baseball jerseys.

“This is so cool, Mom. Did you see the pictures of the old players?” Lizzie could barely contain her excitement as the four of them followed another woman in a white baseball jersey in the underground tunnels of the professional ballpark of their hometown team, the Washington Federals.

“Do you think we’ll see Luke Haynes in person? I’d give anything to get his autograph. He’s my favorite player ever.” Mariana giggled as she spied a picture of Luke Haynes on the wall, his trademark hair flung back and a huge smile on his face. The girls whipped out their phones and took selfies with their hero crush.

Oh Lordy, these girls were going to be a handful when they’re teens.

Alex gripped her hand tighter and pulled her to his side as they passed a throng of reporters. It was wild down here. Not that it was ever calm at the ballpark. She’d been a couple times, with seats in the nosebleed section. But it evidently didn’t matter where you were in the park. People ran around like crazy this close to the first pitch.

Alex had gotten them tickets to today’s game because of a pre-game recognition ceremony for his unit. But when he’d come to pick them up, his dark navy uniform jacket and royal blue pants had been a stark reminder that his life, and more importantly, his posting, weren’t his decision to make.

What shocked her most was the row of ribbons and medals over his heart. When she’d asked, he’d tried to play it off, but she’d lived around the military enough to know that those awards weren’t given to just anyone.

In this uniform, with his beret perfectly perched on his head, Alex walked with authority. She’d thought that he was attractive before, but whoever said they loved a man in uniform was absolutely right.

Her concern regarding his career choice was being chipped away. Quickly.

They approached a group of soldiers, and Alex dropped her hand. “This is where we’re assembling. The escort will show you to your seats and I’ll meet you there after we’re done.”

Short, sweet, to the point. That was soldier Alex. Nothing like personal Alex who pulled a Barbie out of the toilet and dumped wine onto the grass on National Mall to keep from getting a ticket.

“All right.” She stretched up to kiss him but he turned his head politely so her lips brushed his cheek. He smiled at her and took his place next to a woman who was similarly dressed. A line of perfectly appointed soldiers, every one of them volunteering to defend their country.

Alex’s sense of duty chipped away another block in her not-so-well-constructed wall. At some point, that wall was coming down. She just knew it.

She wished she could pull out her list right now and circle “Doesn’t travel” in bright red ink. Because if she couldn’t count on a man to be around for her and Lizzie, most of the other things mattered.

“Right this way, Mrs. Sanchez. I’ll show you to your seats.”