He hadn’t thought this through. Coming to the country club increased the odds of running into someone he knew. He’d just wanted to see Cameron in a pretty dress, and this was the first place he thought of. “Sir. Good evening, sir.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Sanchez.”

“Of course not, sir.” He gestured to Cameron. “May I present Ms. Cameron Baldwin? Cameron, this is my division chief, Major Andrew Williamson.”

Cameron smiled. “It’s so nice to meet you, sir.”

“And you, too. This is my lovely wife Christina.” After Major Williamson acknowledged Cameron, he directed his attention back to Alex. “I understand congratulations are in order, Mr. Sanchez.”

Alex couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face. “Thank you, sir.”

Cameron shifted beside him. “It sounds like something exciting is going on.”

Alex glanced at Major Williamson, and he nodded at Alex, tacit permission for him to share. “We just received the final approval for deployment of the virtual reality battlefield intelligence system that I’ve been working on.”

“And it came in ahead of schedule and under budget. We couldn’t have asked for more, Sanchez, except for you to be part of the deployment team.” Major Williamson extended his hand and Alex absently shook it.

He understood why his chief wanted him on site to deploy the system he’d spent months developing, but he couldn’t go, as much as he wanted to. He picked this position specifically so he didn’t have to deploy. But would the major’s words remind Cameron that he didn’t actually have control over his assignments? That regardless of what Alex wanted, he could be sent to the field at any time? “Thank you, sir.”

“We won’t keep you from your evening any longer. I promised my wife a dance, but I hadn’t had a chance to congratulate you since the final approval came through.” The major guided his wife to another section of the dance floor.

That conversation was a mood killer, definitely. Alex would like to rewind about fifteen minutes and hide from the major so he could finish what he started with Cameron. Their dance disrupted, he escorted her back to the table. When he sat beside her, she smiled in a way that lit up her entire face. He figured the interruption wasn’t as bad as he thought. “That system sounds like a big deal. Tell me about it. At least as much as you’re allowed.”

He wasn’t one to brag, but he was especially proud of the system he’d had a hand in developing. “It is a big deal for the troops. This is the next generation of battlefield technology. It’ll allow our forces to identify hostiles within structures. The screens are larger but lighter, which is important for any kind of wearable technology. I may not be in a deployable unit anymore, but this way I can help the guys in the field by improving their equipment.”

“And it’s going to be installed soon?”

“For field testing, yeah. We try to simulate every situation in the labs, but there’s nothing like testing it with sand swirling all around you while you’re crouched behind a blown-out building. They discover issues that we haven’t even thought of.” Issues he wouldn’t have a hand in finding, because he was here in Virginia.

He thought he’d shoved his need to serve with a deployed unit down so far that it would never resurface. He was doing what he needed to do for Mariana, and meeting Cameron solidified his reason to remain in a non-deployable position.

But the Major’s words, and describing his project to Cameron, tugged at his desire to see the project from beginning to end—to support his team more meaningfully. How could he convince Cameron he was here to stay when he was beginning to suspect he might need to go?

* * *

You should have seen Mom before your dad picked her up tonight. She looked great. Lizzie typed furiously into her cell phone, hiding the screen behind her pillow so Grandma wouldn’t see her texting. Grandma thought Lizzie had gone to sleep an hour ago.

Dad wore a suit. He was so handsome. He had me pick out his tie, Mariana responded.

Boomer almost ruined it. He jumped all over your dad and tried to eat the flowers. It was hilarious.


Fingers crossed. Oh, wait, I think I just heard them pull up. Lizzie dropped her phone onto the bed and crept to the window, careful not to touch the curtains.

Mr. Sanchez helped Mom out of his car and put his arm around her waist. Lizzie covered her mouth to keep from squealing. They walked up the sidewalk and stopped on the porch. And then they started kissing!

Lizzie slapped her hands over her eyes. She didn’t want to see this. But Mariana would want details, so she spread her fingers and peeked. Mom had her hands on Mr. Sanchez’s shoulders and she was smiling at him. He kissed her one more time and then stepped down the stairs. Mom stayed on the porch until Mr. Sanchez pulled away and then Lizzie heard the front door open.

Lizzie hurried over to the bed and snatched up her phone. OMG. They kissed goodnight. On the mouth and everything. We’ll be sisters in no time.

Chapter Seven

Cameron s

tared into the pantry. How could she spend so much money on food and there still be nothing to eat? The cupboard was full of ingredients instead of anything she could just shove into her mouth. A travesty.

As a mom, she should do the responsible thing and make a healthy meal. As a worn out professional, ordering pizza sounded like a great idea.