Page 86 of Baca

“Desperate, yeah.”

“Like you said, she’s running.”

“From the people in the pickup,” Hondo said.

“Yep. We need to find out who they are, then we can get a better ID on this phantom girlfriend of yours.”

“We can start tomorrow. The news tape will be delivered in the afternoon, they said around three.”

“What about the audition?”

“We’ll have time.”

I said, “Okay, so tomorrow’s good. Right now, I need to go home and take some alka-seltzer or something. My stomach’s rumbling like Krakatoa.”

“Next time don’t eat so much.”

“Hey, it was a buffet. I’m obligated by law to overeat.”

“Remember those words at three AM when nuclear heartburn hits.”

He was right.


The Le Montrose is a trendy hotel that a lot of rock stars and movie stars use. I got there a little before eight and went into the lobby.

I saw the two actors from the Mongolian coming toward the front door and I stood where they could see me. I looked at the ceiling and frowned.

They came over and Bob-O touched my shoulder and said, “Professor McCawley?”

“Oh, hello fellows,” I studied them for a second, then said, “Oh yeah, the Mongolian, right?”

“Yes sir,” said Davester. He cleared his throat and continued, “What, what are you doing here?”

I pointed at the ceiling, “Got a call about the nano-quake last night that epi-centered here at this hotel. It’ll take about an hour for me to okay the building. I’ve already ordered a group of folks that were in the meeting room to vacate until it’s safe. You boys should leave too, just in case. Come on back at nine and check with me.”

Bob-O said, “How come nobody else is leaving?”

I leaned close to them, “These are my assistants, trained especially to act as stand-ins for real people. We use them to avoid panic. They look natural, don’t they?”

Bob-O said, “They sure do.”

“We don’t want panic. Panic is bad, especially in L.A. Lots of emotional people here, with all the actors and agents and directors.” I winked at them, “But you fellows look like you’re solid. I wouldn’t worry about you two panicking.”


“No problem,” I saw Hondo coming through the doors and said, “Hello Professor Johnson.”

That was the deal clincher for the actors. Bob-O said, “Thanks for the warning Professor. We’ll be leaving now. And we won’t panic or anything.”

“I know I can count on you.” They shook my hand and stopped Hondo to shake his hand before leaving.

Hondo came up and said, “I don’t even want to know.”

I said, “Let’s go to the meeting room and use the secret code, see if we can get in early.”

There was a gorgeous green-eyed redhead sitting at a small desk by the meeting room door. She looked up as we approached.