Page 35 of A Cinnabar Sky

They went nose-first, down the sixty-degree slope, and the pickup slid with locked wheels for a bit, then hit a boulder and bounced several feet into the air, coming down sideways and flipping over and over. The passenger door tore away on a jagged ridge of rock and flew through the air like an oversized Frisbee.

Bobby locked his hands on the wheel and every time the vehicle crashed, he grunted, “Haah!” from the impact. Santino wore his seatbelt, and looked like a rag doll being shaken by a pit bull.

It seemed forever, but they hit level ground in less than thirty seconds. Both men hung upside down, limp and unconscious. Smoke came from under the hood. The pickup body looked like it had been through an F-5 tornado.

Ellis smiled, and RL said, “Nice shootin’.”

Ellis pointed, “Here comes the money train. Let’s get in position so when they go down the slope, we can do it fast and get out of here.”

Hunter saw the pickup ahead of them swerve and go off the side, “God-o-mighty!” She accelerated to the spot where the wheel rim cut a rough gouge in the caliche as it went over and down, plowing a groove, until it hit the ledge of hard, gray stone and made the first bounce into the air.

Dust drifted over the path down the slope, and Hunter and Raymond got out and looked down at the wrecked vehicle. “Hey!” Raymond said, “Can you hear us?”

There was only smoke drifting from under the hood in twig-like, white tendrils.

Raymond went to their vehicle and got the small medicine kit from under the passenger’s seat. “Let’s go.”

They went down careful but fast, and reached the crumpled pickup in a minute. The pickup had landed upside down, and Raymond went to the passenger side while Hunter went to the driver side. She said, “This door’s jammed, but the glass is all knocked out so I can reach him.”

“How is he?”

“He’s out, and bleeding from lots of cuts. It’s like someone cut off a chicken’s head and let blood spurt everywhere. Yours?”

Out, with a broken arm, compound fracture, and lots of cuts and blood. He’s got an ocotillo stalk protruding from his side. I don’t know how deep it is.”

Hunter called on her phone and reached Buddy and told him what they had and their location. Buddy said he’d get their EMS and tell the deputy, then start that way. “What else do you need?” He asked.

“Some rope and a litter to get them up to the road.”

“Okay. We’re coming, and fast.”

Hunter returned to the two men and gave what aid she could, including drawing the ocotillo stalk from Santino’s side, which only penetrated an inch, but left an ugly shallow wound.

Above them, and unseen from below, Ellis and RL walked to the Border Patrol vehicle and found the driver’s door unlocked. Ellis smiled. He unlocked the other doors as RL went to the rear and opened the hatch. RL said, “Traíganse las mochílas. Tenémos que ir,” “Bring your backpacks. We have to go.”

He pointed at Ben and Anselmo and jerked a thumb to motion them out of the rear as well.

The smugglers hustled from the vehicle, four of them slinging their arms through the backpack straps, and the two other men assisting. Adan remained seated, his eyes very large.

RL said, “You, too.”

“I will wait here.”

“Get your butt out of there.”

Adan did, but moved slowly, hoping Hunter and Raymond would return.

RL pushed him to join the others and pointed down the road to where they had the vehicle hidden. Ellis joined him, and Ellis walked close beside the boy, as if daring him to run.

They reached the Suburban and ushered the people in the rear. Ellis slid into the driver’s seat while RL hopped in the passenger side. Ellis started the engine, easing from the hiding place and starting down the road. He said, “I thought about finishing off those two Border Patrol Agents, but figured it might bring too much heat.”

RL felt a small shock go through him. “Glad you didn’t.”

Ellis looked at him, studying his face. RL said, “I want to see that Kincaid woman naked and have some fun first, before we kill her.”

Ellis said, “She’s hot, I’ll give you that. Probably like riding a half-broke horse. You’ll have to hang on tight and dig in with your spurs.” He grinned.

Adan heard their talk, and felt goose bumps on his arms. He had to get away and warn his friends, warn Hunter. Some way, somehow, he had to escape. Touching the rear latch, he wondered if he could open it and jump out to escape. He glanced at the men in the front seat.