Page 45 of L A Woman

While their backs were turned, Jett stepped in front of 42 again, and that’s when a third man pushed off the wall and hurried toward her.

Jett caught him out of the corner of her eye and moved away in a quick walk toward the women’s bathroom. The man closed ground and the other two weren’t far behind.

“I’ll get her out the door,” I said. Hondo nodded and pulled Marcus with him.

“Wait, aren’t we going to help?” Marcus asked.

“Ronny’s getting her to us so we can drive her out of here.”

Marcus stopped and looked back, “But what about Ronny?” Hondo pulled the back of his collar so hard that Marcus high-stepped in reverse to keep my partner from dragging him across the floor. I hurried after Jett and the three men.

They were already inside the women’s restroom when I pushed through the door. Jett was against the back wall, with the first man in front of her and the other two just inside the door. Everyone turned as I entered.

“Whoo-ee, I can barely hold it,” I said and grinned as I approached the two men.

“Get out of here,” The blond one said and stepped in front of me.

“I gotta whizz like a racehorse, pal.” I looked over his shoulder, “Hey, what’s a girl doing in here?”

Blondie said, “It is the women’s restroom.”

“Then what are you doing in here?”

The second guy, the bald one, said, “Get out of here or we’re going to kick your ass.”

“Jeeze, okay.” I turned toward the door, took one step, and as their guard dropped, I picked up a metal trashcan and swung it into the blond man’s head, knocking him into a stall.

The bald guy’s mouth was open when I hit him with a spinning backfist that connected on his temple and dropped him quivering to the ground as if he’d been electrocuted.

The man in front of Jett turned with a pistol in his hand and that’s when she kicked the back of his knee and sent him crumpling to the floor.

She jumped over him like a deer, giving him a quick knee in the neck as she passed.

“Go outside to Hondo!” I yelled and pointed at the door. She flew through it and I waited to give her time. The three men were staggering to their feet as I went out the door.

I made twenty feet before they banged open the restroom door and came after me, focused as wolves on a hunt.

I threw a gumball machine in their path and I overturned a dolly with a dozen suitcases on it to slow them. They ran hard, shoving people down as others gasped and ducked out of their way. I looked through the bus station’s glass doors as Hondo skidded to a stop. Jett dove into the back seat of the convertible and Hondo burned rubber getting out of there.

That was when the light behind me dimmed like an eclipse and I heard a loud, rumbling voice roar, “Stop!”

I glanced over my shoulder. Magilla was coming at a run, and there was a killing look on his face. He was terrifying.


“Stop!” Magilla yelled again and his voice seemed to vibrate the glass in the windows. He came fast and ominous, like a runaway truck.

The three men struggled over the roadblock of suitcases and gumball machines and picked up speed.

The aisle I ran down was narrow, with rows of those co-joined bus station chairs lining both sides. I stopped at an empty row of twelve bolted-together chairs and jerked on it, hoping it wasn’t attached to the floor. It was heavy but it moved and I pulled it across the aisle and turned it over so it blocked the path, then pulled the next two rows across as well.

It only took seconds but it bought me some time as the three men stopped. Then I almost wet my pants when I saw them raise their pistols.

Magilla leaped over the pile of suitcases like an Olympic hurdler and reached the others as if they were moving in slow motion. He yelled again even louder, “Stop!”

I ran in a zigzag toward the front doors and glanced back as Magilla exploded into the three men and sent them and their pistols flying across the floor.

Magilla grabbed the first row of chairs blocking his way and threw them about twenty feet, where they crashed on top of other chairs. People screamed and ran in all directions, and I had a mental image of a Godzilla movie and the Tokyo people scrambling away from the monster.