Page 65 of L A Woman

“How bad could it get, worse case scenario?”

Harris said, “Biological? Ten thousand to one. That’s optimal, though.”

“One MAV could infect and kill ten thousand people?”

“Yes, that’s calculating the exponential spread of the disease from the ground zero target.”

“How far?” I said.

“What, how far can they fly?” I nodded. Harris said, “My understanding is twenty miles, one way in a low wind environment of, say, less than eight miles per hour. Higher than that and they are adversel

y affected. Winds of thirty-plus can destroy them, tear the wings off and ruin aerodynamics. So under ideal conditions, it would be a range of ten miles or less so they have a chance of getting the MAV back.”

“Wow, we’d sure want that, wouldn’t we?” I said.

“Yes, we would.”

“Okay Harris, how much are they worth?”

“To one of the terrorist organizations? About one hundred thousand dollars apiece.”

“How many are missing?”

“All of them. Three thousand.”

I thought, a hundred thou times three thousand…I didn’t let him see me swallow. I said, “How come there aren’t any more being made?”

“The inventor kept all his information private. He was a genius, kept it in his head. And…someone killed him.”

“You’re serious.”

“Yes, so if you’ve found them, I must ask you to turn them over to me. It’s a matter of national security.”

“What if I find them and don’t turn them over?”

He looked at me for several seconds, “If we find out, we’ll arrest you. But that won’t be your biggest problem. Staying alive will.”

“Good to know. I’ll keep looking then.”

Harris bit his lower lip, “Baca, our official directives are to put first priority on locating the MAVs. If we find them first, the incentive to find Jett Sunday drops to zero.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No. I’ve been with the Agency for twenty-five years and my personal belief is that we never leave any of the Agency family at someone’s mercy. I know you don’t like me, but if you need help, give me a try. I’ll do what I can.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Now, you want to give me back the MAV?”

“No, and this will conclude our conversation, unless you find the rest of them…or Jett Sunday.”

As soon as Secret Agent Man Harris left the room, I picked up the phone and dialed. When Emma answered I said, “Ready to win that Pulitzer?”

“Ronny! Are you all right? How’s Hondo? Where’s Jett? Are you all right?”

I said, “I’m okay. Hondo’s in ICU and Jett is still missing.”

“Oh Ronny, I am so sorry.”

“Emma, can you do me a big favor?”