Page 39 of L A Woman


Colleen said, “We have to give the other two actors a few minutes more, then if they aren’t here you can go in and read for David.”

I leaned against the wall, “Take your time.”

Hondo narrowed his eyes, “What did you do?”

I spread my hands, “Hey, we’re good here. I’m just trying to go with the flow.”

“You. Going with the flow.”

“I am enjoying the journey. It’s quite freeing, actually.”

Colleen shook her head and said, “Never mind, you two go on in.”

David Gleason and his team were in the same positions as last time, with the exception of an additional camera. David said, “We’ll shoot both of you at the same time, so this should be easier for you.”

We found our marks and David said, “Hondo, give me your slate, then Ronny, you can give yours. As soon as Ronny finishes and you two are ready, you can begin. Any questions?”

I raised my hand. David said, “Yes?”

“How come he gets to slate first?”

David looked at me a long second, then the corners of his mouth turned up the tiniest bit. He said, “Because Hondo’s taller. Now get started.”


When we came out of the meeting room, I felt euphoric. Colleen said, “How did it go?”

“He told us we did a good job.” I said.

“Good sign,” she said. “He doesn’t usually comment like that.”

Hondo said, “Don’t forget there are four others auditioning.”

I said, “I know, Mr. Party-Pooper.”

“I’m just saying,” Hondo said.

Colleen said, “You two need to go celebrate.”

Hondo said, “I think we will.”

As we walked off, Colleen said, “Call me sometime.”

We both said, “I will.”

“I think she was talking to me.” I said.


“No, really. Couldn’t you tell?”

“I didn’t hear her say ‘Ronny’.”

“Subliminally she did.”

“Oh, subliminally. I guess I did miss that.”