Page 49 of Bad Moon Rising

“Yes, boss.” She waved at Hondo, and we left.

Traffic was horrible, so it took us a while to get there. We called Wilson before arriving and he had the gate open. I asked, “Where were you yesterday?”

“My day off. I was in Carmel, playing tourist. I heard about it, though.”

I noticed several cars in the parking area. “Anything happening this morning?”

“Yeah, not sure what. Couple of attorneys, Sylvia’s and another one. I’m guessing it’s someone Troy knows.”

That didn’t sound good. “Okay, we’ll go in, say hello, get our pay and slide on out of here. Well, after we talk to Bodhi.”

Wilson said, “Park this heap and I’ll walk with you two.”


“Shamu’s beautiful, is that better?”

“That’s more like it, Marine.”

Hondo said, “Let’s get out of this heap and go.”


Hondo and Wilson high-fived and started toward the mansion. I hobbled along on my sore ankle and caught up with them in a few strides. Wilson nodded at the mansion, “It’s a differ

ent vibe in there today.”

We walked through the doors and followed Wilson to Sylvia’s office, which had the door open. Sylvia motioned us to enter. Two men in suits stood beside her large desk. Troy leaned over some papers and signed a number of pages in what looked like two lengthy, legal documents.

When he finished, each suited man took a copy, shook hands with everyone but us, and left the office, ignoring us as they passed. I said to Hondo, “They didn’t even say hello. My heart’s broken.”

Troy smiled and shook our hands, “Hello, fellows. Welcome to our home.”

I let it go right on by and said, “Hi, Sylvia.”

She came around the desk and hugged us both. “I owe you money, I believe. And a great deal of thanks.”

Hondo said, “Glad we could help.” He slapped Troy on the shoulder and said, “But this guy is the real hero. He rescued Bodhi out of a dangerous situation. I’m not sure I could have done as well.” He one-arm hugged Troy around the shoulders in a gruff, manly way, then stepped back and smiled. “I’m glad we helped a little.”

Troy didn’t know what to think, and neither did I. He gave a goofy smile and chucked Hondo on the shoulder, “You guys did all right. I appreciated the help.”

Sylvia gave us each a check and hugged us again. Hondo said, “Could we see Bodhi? We’d like to say hello.”

Before Troy could speak, Sylvia smiled and said, “Of course, she would love to see you.” She told us where Bodhi’s room was, and we headed that way. Wilson said he’d catch us before we left. As we walked down the long, long hall, I said to Hondo, “What was that all about?”

He showed me his hand. The large iPhone’s black screen showed my reflection.

“Uh, why, exactly did you commit felony theft?”

“I’m not stealing it, I’m borrowing it for a bit.”

“He’d beg to differ.”

“He doesn’t know.”

“There’s that. What are you looking for?”

“I don’t know, but thought it would be a good place to begin.”