Page 47 of Bad Moon Rising

At that moment, Jericho Moon walked into my line of sight. He wore a plain white tunic that reached to his hips, Jeans, and sandals. He had a small bible and a long quartz crystal in one hand. He said, “It is wonderful, isn’t it?” He used his free hand to indicate Troy and the two women.

Troy stepped from between Bodhi and Sylvia, putting his hand on Jericho’s shoulder, “He performed the ceremony. It was beautiful.”

I said, “You’re an ordained minister?”

“I am. The Theologians Ordaining Ecumenism.”

I spelled it, “T.O.E.”


“Are you the big one?”

“I don’t understand.”

“Are you the big toe. Just trying to figure out the hierarchy.”


ho smiled, “Your humor’s carried you far. I’m happy for you, Ronny. But ghosts still haunt your dreams. Run fast or they will catch you. My offer still stands for you to come to me for a reconciliation with the spirits. I can help. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

I wanted to shake him out of this pious act and said, “You sing and play very well. It’s a shame your friend in Topanga was murdered before he could get you a deal, huh?”

Moon’s eyes changed. “Like the handwriting on the wall.”

I felt the hairs prickle on my neck. “You mean the words written in blood on his wall?”

Moon said, “It’s a saying, Baca, nothing more. Tom Hammons got what he deserved. He promised me everything, and out of jealousy withdrew his offer at the last minute. Karma, Baca, can be a bitch.” He smiled, “Peace and love, brother.”

He passed by me and disappeared, going out the huge dual doors to the area by the pool, where Moon’s Maidens waited to embrace him.

Derek still looked in shock.

Hondo said, “Troy, want to tell us what happened?”

“It was nothing.”

Amber said, “It was darn sure something. I saw them drag Bodhi out of the bedroom, and I walked by a dead body when they took me from that house.”

I said, “Don’t be shy. This isn’t the time.”

Troy sighed and said, “When we found the house and went inside, the arguing started fast between TJ and one of the black men. TJ pulled a pistol, and one of the others knocked it loose. Someone shot TJ, but it was so confusing then, that I never saw who did it. The gun fell and I grabbed it, then took Bodhi and pointed the pistol at the Kiowa and told him to lead us out of there.” Troy glanced at Amber, “I didn’t have time to come for you. I’m sorry.”

Amber gave him a tiny nod.

Hondo said, “So you’ve got a gun on him. What did you do then?”

“We got in his car, me in the back seat behind him and Bodhi beside me. I touched the barrel to his head and told him to drive or I’d shoot. He drove from the house, and about five miles later, I made him stop and told him to get out. We got in the front and I drove away and came here.”

It didn’t feel right to me, but I couldn’t see any holes in it.

Derek hadn’t listened to any of it. His eyes were red and his voice hoarse with emotion when he said to Sylvia, “I wish you happiness.” He turned to Bodhi and said, “I love you. Always have, always will.” With that, he walked away from them.

I heard Sylvia choke back a sob, then we caught up with Derek. Hondo, Amber and I left with him. I looked back once and saw Bodhi watching us leave, then we drove out the gate and she was out of sight.

None of us talked. When Derek dropped us off at the office, Amber hugged his neck, and Hondo and I nodded. He drove off without a word. This sure didn’t feel like a celebration to us.

Hondo said, “I’m going to the house. Call if you need me.”