Page 80 of Bad Moon Rising

I sighed.

Juan said, “I follow heem when they leave the camp. He stop at The Getty, the place of art, you know thees place?” We nodded and he continued, “He meet the movie man there.”

“Movie man?”

“They argue, and the Kiowa says sometheeng that makes the movie man go ver’ white in his face. He shakes his head to say no, no, but the Kiowa, he reaches over and pulls his finger across the throat of the movie man, then he leave. I try to follow again, but lose heem.”

“Who’s the movie man, Juan?”

“He is guapo, how you say, handsome? He married the woman wass killed, the rich woman. He hass blond hair.”

My eyebrows rose as my scalp prickled, “Troy? Troy Hanson?”

“I theenk maybe yes.”

Hondo called Troy’s number. He said, “Nothing. Didn’t even go to voice mail.”

I said to Juan, “Stay with us in case the Kiowa decides to come by here. He knows this is our office.”

We went out the door and saw Jericho Moon and his three women standing nearby. Moon said, “Hello Ronny, Hondo. And this is a gentleman I haven’t met.” He walked to Juan and put out his hand. Juan shook it, using the soft, almost limp handshake of people from Mexico. Juan glanced repeatedly at the women. Jericho said, “What is your name, my friend?”

Juan said, “Juan Luna.”

It is a pleasure to meet you, Juan. You are in good company with these two.”

I said, “We have to go.”

Jericho smiled and nodded. He said, “Of course.” He and the three women watched us drive away in Shamu. I watched them in my rear view mirror and saw them going from the office towards the beach. For some reason, that relieved me.

Juan said in a quiet voice, “I theenk those womens are the ones who keel your friend.”

I said, “Are you sure?”

“Eet wass far to see, but maybe them.” He looked anxious, “Maybe not, too. I don’ see very good sometimes.”

I looked at Hondo, who said, “We do this first, then get with Vick on it. They aren’t going anywhere.”

When we reached the Artell mansion, the gate was closed. I talked into the speaker, “This is Baca and Wells. We’d like to talk to Troy.”


“Breaker-breaker good buddy, this is Ronny Baca and Hondo Wells in the Pork Chop Express to see Troy Hanson. Over.”

Ten seconds of silence, then Hondo said, “I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Don’t worry.”

“If you’re trespassing, you could be arrested.”

Hondo stopped and turned to look at me. “You, telling me not to trespass. The man who taught me everything I know about trespassing and breaking and entering.”

“Well, not everything.”

“Hah. I’ll have the gate opened in a bit. Drive in when it opens.”

He trotted to where the metal fence ended and the ten-foot high brick wall began. He jumped and grasped the top, going up and over in one easy motion. I caught sight of him among the shrubs once, but other than that I didn’t see him.