Page 68 of Bad Moon Rising

“Where’ve you been snooping?”

“Online a little, and keeping an eye on Troy and Jericho Moon.”

Hondo said, “We heard you don’t like Moon.”

“I still can’t figure him out. He talks all preachy, with love and peace, but a few days ago he and I happened to be alone near the pool, and out of the blue he called me a worthless coward. He was so mad when he said it that his lips quivered. I haven’t seen that much hate on someone’s face in a long time.”

I said, “No idea what brought it on?”

“Nope. I never met him before starting work at the mansion, and only saw him rarely. Well, until the murders. He’s been around a lot since then. So have his women, Moon’s Maidens.”

Hondo said, “You find out anything else?”

“I didn’t get to check everything before Troy fired me, but what I did find was that since the day Troy took over, there have been major transfers of money from Sylvia’s accounts to a bank in the Caymans. There are over sixty separate businesses with accounts that Troy now controls, and each one, daily, wires the same amount of money to the Cayman’s bank.”

I said, “Let me guess. They’re all just under ten thousand dollars.”

“Yep. The IRS and other agencies don’t check deposits under ten thousand.”

Hondo said, “That’s over six hundred thousand dollars a day.”

Wilson said, “It is. I’m not through digging, so I hope to get a little more on Troy and Jericho in the next week or so. I’ll keep you posted.”

“You plant some bugs in the house?”

“Uh-huh. And on the grounds.”

Hondo asked, “What type?”

“Audio, visual, and some digital goodies that will let me access Troy’s computer if he uses it in the office. The house is too large to cover all of it.”

“Sweet,” I said.

Wilson said, “It’s not admissible in court, but good to find out things and go from there. Troy is trying to steal every

penny he can. Unless we stop him.”

I said, “Where did you learn to do that nifty stuff, was it an online course I can take? Those are some mad skills to have.”

He grinned, “After I left the service I worked for a company doing things overseas. My team had a couple of former NSA whiz kids on it, so I tried to learn everything I could. But what I used here is not special. It’s available to anyone if they know where to look.”

Hondo said, “Was Jericho involved in this?”

“I didn’t find anything that directly tied him to the transactions, but the guy is always around.”

Hondo said, “We’ve checked him out several times and came back with nothing.”

Wilson said, “I hacked in and already looked, too. There are a dozen Moons that generally match his age and description, and three have the first name of Jericho, but they’re all clean except for a couple of traffic tickets. The guy’s spotless.”

I said, “We need fingerprints, I’m thinking.”

“That might help, but then again, if he hasn’t done anything…”

I said, “Yeah.”

Wilson said, “I rented an efficiency apartment in Bel Air, and paid cash, so no record of it. It’s a lot closer to the mansion, so I can monitor things easier. I’ll text you the address.”

Wilson left after agreeing to meet again tomorrow afternoon. I looked at the kitchen clock and said to Hondo, “We need to become smurfs again in a little bit. You study your lines?”