Page 51 of Bad Moon Rising

Hondo held a Purple Heart medal.

I looked around the lot, but saw no one. I said, “I’ve deduced from the clues that they point to a Marine wounded in Afghanistan. So I’ve done the hard part. Tell me his name.”

“Yeah.” Hondo opened the door and we went inside. He put the medal on his desk and looked at it. “I’ll get the other things from Archie and keep all of it here.”

“In case a Marine comes in and says, ‘Do you have my medals?’ That sounds like a good plan.” Hondo didn’t smile and I could tell this latest thing had him agitated. It did me, too.

We weren’t inside ten minutes before Hondo said, “I’m hungry, let’s go to the Cow’s End and get something.”

“Are you antsy, too?”

“All this together, something feels out of whack.”

“I know. Maybe a smoked salmon Panini will center us.”

Hondo nodded, “And some pressed juice.”

Hondo liked a three-veggie juice combo of cucumber, apple, and bell pepper. Me, I’m a straight apple man. We left the office and walked the longer route that took us to the beach.

We noticed that Jericho Moon was nowhere around, and neither were any of his disciples. Bob Masters saw us and came over as we turned up Washington. He said, “Hey dudes.”

I said, “We didn’t see Moon today. He around?”

“Not lately. You need him for something?”

“We found out he’s a minister and wanted to ask a couple of questions.”

Bob frowned, “A minister of what?”

I said, “Jericho Moon’s the Big Toe.”

Bob had a confused grin and looked to Hondo, “Help me out here.”

Hondo said, “Theologians Ordaining Ecumenism. T.O.E.”

Bob laughed as he said, “Holy cow.”

I said, “Yeah.”

“Last time I saw Moon, he was halfway down the pier, talking to a tall, tanned, blond guy that looked like a movie star.”

I pictured Troy and said, “Could you tell what they said?”

“No. They looked excited, though. I went on past them to the end of the pier and visited with a couple of guys I knew, and when I started back, I saw Moon and the actor leaving the pier together.”


Bob pointed to the sea, “We need to get out there, the yellowtails are biting like crazy, and big halibut are showing up.”

“Let’s do it for sure next week.”

“You’re on. Give me a call when you’re ready.”

We left Bob and found an empty table at the restaurant. Hondo said, “When do you want to visit Derek?”

Not today. I’m thinking he needs some alone time right now. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Sure.” Hondo looked past me at someone and said, “Look who’s here.”