Hunter recognized the woman and man, but not the driver, and Danny recognized the man on the passenger side. Sam said, “I know that man driving, he was with this one when they tried to shoot me and Miguel at the ranch.”

The Cherokee made a tight U in the road and sped away, back towards the bridge.

Hunter said to the Sheriff, “I’ll drive, if you two will get in so we can check it out.” The three people got into Hunter’s vehicle, and while Hunter drove, Riffey explained what he knew, and gave them the names of the people involved. When he mentioned Guereca as the driver of the tanker rig and told how he left the scene, Hunter pulled out her phone and dialed Lucas Patino’s number.

Lucas said, “This is a nice surprise.”

“We’ve got a situation.” She explained it in quick sentences, ending with, “This guy Holland is Asadullah. It’s one man, not two. He’s behind this, and he’s here.”

Lucas said, “I’ll alert the people on our side. Be careful, Hunter.”

Hunter hung u

p and redialed, calling the Presidio Port of Entry to let them know of the threat. At the same time, the Sheriff told the county dispatcher to inform the deputies and other law enforcement people in Presidio, and let them know of the danger. He gave them the description and license plate number of Holland’s Grand Cherokee.

Hunter slid her pickup onto Highway 67 and accelerated toward the bridge. They passed the Presidio Port of Entry and watched as men and women hurried to close the Port and to do what they could.

The tanker rig looked ominous. Threads and wisps of smoke drifted into the air around it, and the belly of the tank was a corroded, smoking black. Danny received a call and listened. When he looked at Hunter, his face was pale. “It’s going to send out a poison cloud five miles across.”

“God-o-mighty,” Hunter whispered, her eyes big. She slid to a stop on the opposite side of the road from the tanker. No one moved, then she said, “I’ve got an idea. Do you know where the old packing shed is? The big adobe one?”

Danny said, “No.”

Hunter opened her door, “Okay, I’ll drive it there, and close it inside. It may contain the gas enough to save us.”

Riffey said, “This thing is gonna blow any second! Look!” A thin, yellowish green tendril that looked like a long earthworm oozed out of the tank’s belly and drifted toward the road like dry ice vapor.

Danny said, “Do you know how to drive a rig?”

Hunter hesitated, “No, but I’ll figure it out.”

Danny opened his door, “I do. Lead me to the shed!”

As Danny climbed into the cab, Hunter turned the pickup around to get in front of the rig.

Riffey jumped out of the passenger’s side. Hunter made a quick grab for him, but missed, and watched him running through the cars toward Mexico.

She heard the rig start and saw the thumbs-up from Danny. She called the Port and told them what they were attempting. One of the women said, “Roll it on through, we’ve cleared the way!”

Hunter increased her speed, but knew she had to stay close to the rig, or Danny might lose her. Nightmares of strangling in a cloud of Chlorine gas filled her mind, and she had to force herself not to think of it.

The local deputies and police worked to keep the way clear for Hunter and Danny, but as Hunter passed them, she saw the dread on their faces. Everyone knew.

Death for all of them was a whisker away, and yet there they were, doing their duty. She saw the local Game Warden and two DPS Troopers there, as well as the fire department people helping to direct traffic as locals crowded the streets in attempts to escape town.


Sam and Miguel were still at The Enlightened Bean when a deputy parked and exited his vehicle. Sam asked him what was happening.

The Deputy said, “The Sheriff’s driving the rig and Kincaid’s leading him. They’re taking it to the old packing shed down by the levee. And Sam, you and your friend need to get out of town, fast. This will kill lots of people if what they’re trying goes wrong.”

“You’re staying.” It wasn’t a question.

The Deputy said, “I’m gonna do what I can to help.”

Sam motioned for Miguel. He said, “You need to take my pickup and get out of town.”

“And you?”