Holland said, “It is time.”

As Samir and Crystal used the fiberglass brushes to paint the lower third of the tanker, Guereca asked Holland, “This thing’s a lot bigger than the little tank,” he nodded at the tank near the barn entrance, “so I was wondering what to expect.”

Holland said, “Because it is in the river valley, the tanker breach will produce a cloud of chlorine gas approximately five miles long, two miles wide, and thirty feet deep.”

“And fast, too, because of how we’re releasing it?”

“Very fast. The death toll will be in the range of fifteen to twenty thousand.”

Guereca wiped the sweat from his face, “Man.”

“Yes, our success here will send a message that no place in America is safe from us, and Mexico will learn a harsh lesson for backing the United States. They will know fear.”

Guereca said, “Are you sure it won’t explode?”

“It will not. Remember how it was at Riffey’s little Mexican village. That is how it will be here. You will have time to escape by watching until the first part of the tank gives way, then you can go to high ground. Stay strong, and you will be a very rich man by tomorrow.”

“I can, I will.”

Samir and Crystal stepped back from the tanker and Crystal said, “It’s active. You need to go.”

Guereca licked his lips, then thought of the money. He hopped into the cab and eased the rig out of the barn, passing by the house and onto the highway pavement, working through the gears as he turned right, toward Ojinaga.

Crystal watched the truck travel down the highway and asked Holland, “Does Guereca know we’re using him as a martyr?”

“No. We will tell others that he converted to Islam today and volunteered for this mission.”

Samir said, “You’re the best I’ve seen about using them against their own kind.”

Holland said, “He was greedy. It was easy to dangle a golden carrot in front of him.”

Crystal said, “Let’s go so we can watch.” They got into Holland’s Grand Cherokee and drove from the ranch, speeding down the road to get ahead of Guereca so they could cross the international bridge into Presidio and move to the outskirts of town where the elevations were higher.

Samir said, “How much of Presidio will it affect?”

Holland said, “A little over half. It will kill about three-fourths of the population, because the town is small and the houses are clustered together closer to the river.”

“And Ojinaga?”

“Ojinaga has more people in the lower area by the river, and it extends farther before the elevation rises. They will lose somewhere near fifteen thousand.”

Crystal said, “That is stupendous. Nothing like it has ever happened before.”

Holland said, “It is only the beginning.”

They sped around Guereca and the tanker rig as both vehicles entered Ojinaga. Traffic was light, and they made good time to the international bridge, where for some reason traffic was heavier. They cleared Mexican immigration and drove onto the bridge. Progress was slow, with cars bumper to bumper. Crystal said, “Is this going to be a problem?”

“We allowed for something like this. Guereca will be on the bridge, even if traffic is this slow.”

Samir said, “Ideally, he will be at the mid point.”

“Ideally,” Holland said.

Crystal twisted in the seat and looked through the rear glass. “I see him. He’s several blocks from the bridge and creeping along.” She turned to the front, “With it that close, I’m nervous. How are we doing on time?”

Holland said, “Do not worry. If, for some reason we die today, we will awaken in paradise.”

Crystal said, “No, no. I’m not ready for that. Get us off this bridge. Get us to safety.”