When the EMS people had Marlowe stabilized, the youngest man said, “The vet said to get him to Alpine fast as you can. He has to get the bullet out or the dog won’t make it. He’s waiting for you at his clinic.”

Sam said, “My pickup’s ready. Let’s load him up.”

Buddy said, “What about Spenser?”

Sam said, “We’re taking him, too. I’ve got a double cab.”

Buddy nodded, “Get them loaded, folks.” He shook the handcuffed man’s shoulder, “I’ll have EMS check out this one, then take him to Terlingua and on to jail in Alpine.” Buddy lifted Lopez from the ground and led him by the arm as they passed by the large blaze and stopped by the fire truck so the EMS people could patch the dog bites.

The man in the Jeep Cherokee watched through binoculars as the Deputy took Lopez to the EMS people. When they finished patching him up, the Deputy placed Lopez in the back seat of the patrol car. The man lowered his binoculars and made a call on his cell. When Holland answered, the man said, “The Deputy is taking him now.” He hung up, and sat in the dark. There would be no leaving until the others left the fire. Then it would be safe to drive back to Mexico.

Buddy watched Sam and the others leave in the pickup, and when the EMS people finished with Lopez, he put the criminal in his vehicle and drove to Terlingua and the small office. He got out and opened the back door, helping Lopez to stand.

Lopez’s head exploded.

Buddy heard a loud thok-boom! Lopez’s body flopped to the ground and Buddy staggered back, his face dappled in a spray of hot blood and bits of bone and brain matter.

He pulled his pistol with the right hand as he wiped his eyes with his left, but there were no more shots. He looked at the corpse on the ground and felt queasy, but held it in check.

Seventy yards away, Holland belly crawled backward on the flat roof of the abandoned building. He used a loop of kite string around the stock to lower the scoped .308 Remington to the ground, then followed it off the low roof. Five minutes later he drove out of town.


Sam made the eighty-five mile trip to Alpine in fifty-five minutes. Hunter Kincaid was waiting for them when they arrived at the clinic, and she said, “Thanks for giving me a call, Sam.”

Mona and the Vet took Marlowe into the operating room. Sam, Miguel and Hunter took Spenser outside, where he whined and paced, coming to each of them for petting and touching. As they waited, Sam said, “How’s Raymond?”

Hunter said, “Stable. They have him in the hospital in Odessa. What happened at Mona’s? Did she tell you?”

“Some of it. She was too worried about Marlowe to talk much. Probably best to let her tell you when she gets through with this, whichever way it goes.”

Hunter’s phone rang and she walked away to answer. Sam and Miguel heard her say loudly, “What?” Not because she couldn’t hear, but in disbelief. She talked for several more minutes, then returned to Sam and Miguel.

Spenser came to her and put his shoulder against her leg, leaning his weight into her to get closer. The one hundred eighty pound dog was so heavy she almost staggered. Hunter stroked his head and ears, then said to the two men, “Somebody blew the prisoner’s head off as soon as Buddy took him out of the car.”

Sam said, “By god!”

“Used a rifle. Buddy thought the shooter must have been a hundred yards away, maybe less.”

“This was in Terlingua?”

“Yep. Buddy’s shook up, but okay. A lot of the spatter hit him in the face.”

Sam looked at Hunter, “Has the whole world gone crazy around here?”

The clinic door opened and Mona came out. “He’s going to make it.”

Sam and Hunter hugged her, and Miguel smiled. Sam said, “So what now?”

Mona said, “I’ll stay in Alpine while he’s recovering. One of my friends who works at Front Street Books said she has a spare room and can put us up.” She patted Spenser’s shoulder.

Hunter said, “What about your place?”

“I’ll deal with that after Marlowe is up and around.”

Hunter asked her, “What happened? Can you go through it for me?” Sam and Miguel stepped closer to listen.

“My front gate alarm went off at 2, and I saw them coming. I dressed and took the dogs out the back way. I almost didn’t make it, they were in the house so fast.”