Samir pulled the pickup into the tunnel and put his gearshift into neutral so the vehicle could be pulled through the wash. The presoak and preliminary soaping covered the windshield, blocking his vision. When the mitters flopped their long, soapy strips and undulated back and forth on the windows, Samir got ready. He passed through them and the next round of spray started. Tall, barrel-like scrubbers spun so fast the long, cloth strands flared out like the skirt hem of a twirling dancer. Samir pushed the down button on the passenger window and lowered it halfway.

Inside the customer waiting area, Danny put the newspaper down and went to the windows to watch vehicles passing through the car wash.

Crystal speed-dialed Samir’s cell.

Samir caught a glimpse of someone in a yellow rain slicker dart between the scrubbers and he heard the noise of the spinning fibers striking the slicker, sounding like rolling thunder. Water soaked the passenger seat of the pickup. The man in the yellow-slicker reached the half-open window and dropped in a plastic bag.

Samir yelled above the noise, “Cops!”

Guereca looked at Samir, then disappeared behind the scrubbers.

Danny was at the viewing window and caught a glimpse of something yellow near the barrel-like scrubbers, and realized it was a man. He hurried out of the customer waiting room and went to the drying area where the cars exited. Flashing his badge at the men holding towels, Danny entered the tunnel, following the long walkway at the edge of the machinery, along the far wall. The walkway passed completely through the mist-filled tunnel, and several side doors were visible along its length.

In the car wash, Samir couldn’t hear his phone ring, but he finally saw the blinking light and answered, “Yes?”

Crystal hissed, “The cop saw him!”

“Where’s the cop now?”

“In the tunnel!”

Samir said, “Play it cool. I warned Guereca. I have the package, and unless this cop starts my way, I’m going through the wash like everything is okay. Come outside and wait by the drying area for me, but be ready for anything.”

He clicked off the phone and his eyes darted here and there, trying to see what was happening in the mist. He used the wipers to clear the window, and saw the lawman on the walkway to his right.

Samir pulled the pistol from his waistband and transferred it to his left hand, letting his arm dangle so the weapon was hidden between the seat and the driver’s door. He was ready, either way it went.

Hunter saw Danny come out of the customer waiting area and hurry into the tunnel. She started the pickup and drove closer, then parked twenty yards from the entrance. The open area near the men drying the cars gave a good view inside the tunnel, so Hunter walked toward it until she found the best place to stand. The mist and spray was so thick that visibility was, maybe, twenty feet. Stay out here, or go in? She waited.

A woman came out of the waiting room towards her, with hands in the pockets of her loose-fitting cargo pants, smiling as if they knew each other. She stopped six feet from Hunter and said, “This is the best car wash in the city, don’t you think?”

Hunter glanced at her before returning her attention to the tunnel, “Yeah.”

“What are you running through?”


“What car. What kind of car are you washing?”


“That’s nice. My husband likes to ride in the pickup when it goes through, but I prefer to wait for it after they finish.”

Hunter didn’t answer. She moved several steps away from the woman, catching a fog-shrouded glimpse of Danny in the tunnel.

Crystal casually walked a few steps and turned so she was behind the female cop. She adjusted the right hand in her pocket to grip the small nine-millimeter pistol.

Carlos Guereca struggled out of the yellow rain suit while he hid in the long supply room with the two separate doors. He scrubbed his face and hair with a small cloth towel, then put on a Dallas cowboy’s ball cap, pulled it low, and cracked the door so he could see into the tunnel.

The cop was five feet away, but looking at the other side of the tunnel. Carlos eased the door shut and twisted the lock knob, only to see it didn’t work. He thought, How did they know about us? He wasn’t wanted for anything right now, so maybe he could bluff his way clear. No, the cops were here because they knew about the drop, about him, and maybe a whole lot more. He had to get away. His car was nearby at the IHOP, so if he could just get to it…the doorknob turned.

Guereca hurried to the other door. He eased it open, and right there was the cop’s back. Guereca pulled a Taser from his cargo pants pocket and readied it as the cop opened the far door. He stepped outside and shot the Taser at the cop’s neck. Both barbed projectiles struck Montoya above the collar. The wires trailed back to the Taser gun and the electric clicking noise was fast and distinct as the lawman yelled and collapsed on the wet walkway.

Guereca looked to see if other cars in the wash saw him, but didn’t see anyone. He raced out the end of the tunnel, intent on reaching his car.

Hunter felt hairs at the nape of her neck prickle. She turned to see the smiling woman standing behind her, hands in her pocket. Hunter stepped to the side so the woman wasn’t behind her.

Crystal said, “What’s the matter?”