Sam nodded. They sat at the table for a full minute in silence before he said, “What happened before, when you reported without specifics?”

Mona rubbed the center of her forehead with the tips of her fingers, “I filed a report about people flying planes into buildings, but I had no other information.”

Sam felt as if ice water ran down his back. “Oh, Mona.”

“It’s all right. I’m fine now.”

Sam knew it wasn’t true. He said, “Okay, let’s do it your way and see what we can come up with.”

Mona looked as if a weight had lifted. She smiled and rose from the table, “First, let’s eat.”

When the meal was finished, Sam said, “Miguel and I will head over to Presidio, nose around a little for starters. If we come across something, I’ll contact you.”

“You two be careful.”

“We will.” Miguel patted both dogs before he left, then followed Sam to the pickup. Two hours later they drove into Presidio. Sam got them a hotel room with double beds.

“I think we should split up so we can cover more ground.”

“Yes. We can meet here at the room later tonight.”

Sam fished money out of his wallet and gave a mixed group of ones, fives, tens, and three twenties to Miguel. “Use it for la mordida if you need to bribe someone.”

“I will bring back what I do not use.”

“I’m not worried about it. I owe you way more than that for all the work you’ve been doing.”

“Sam, I may be late coming back tonight. I have several places I will go, and sometimes the talks go into the night. So do not shoot me if I come in the room when you are already asleep.”

Sam grinned, “I’ll be on my best behavior. You be careful, and use that cell phone I gave you to call me if you get in trouble.”

“I will. And call me if you encounter problems as well. I will come fast.”

“Deal. I’ll see you later, amigo.”

Sam made his way first to the stores and businesses in Presidio’s main section of town, saying hello to those he knew, and listening to the local gossip for anything out of the ordinary. He drove to several bars, buying a few drinks in each one to break the ice for his questions, and by 8PM, he was no better off than before he began.

Miguel caught the bus and went to Ojinaga. He didn’t waste time in the tourist areas, but walked to the fringes of the town, where he sat under shade trees with small groups of viejos, the old men who saw much and spoke little. He bought cold cans of Tecate beer and handed it out to them as they conversed about things. Miguel listened much more than he spoke.

One of the oldest of the men, white haired and white bearded, with skin as dark brown and wrinkled as old leather, talked of the history of the place, and how La Junta de los Rios was the original name because of the junction of the Rio Grande and the Rio Conchos rivers here. He spoke at length of the first European’s passage through this wild land, Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, in 1535, only forty-three years after Christopher Columbus first discovered the New World by landing his little ships on a small Caribbean island over eighteen hundred miles to the east from where they now sat.

Miguel refreshed the old man’s voice by buying more beer and passing the cold, moisture covered cans to him and the four other men sitting with him. The man continued talking, bringing the history of the place from Cabeza de Vaca all the way to present day, interspersing the oratory with swallows of Tecate and nods of thanks to Miguel. One of the last things he mentioned was the recent frequency of helicopters flying near town.

Miguel said, “Was it more than one?”

“No, the same one every time.”

“Which direction did it go?”

“It flew up the Rio Conchos, but not very far, and when leaving, it flew west but always returned to the Conchos.”

“Is there an airport by the river?”

“No, only farms and ranches.”


The old man touched Miguel’s forearm. “It can be dangerous in that direction, my friend. Men and women of the cartels roam it, as do others.”