Mingo said, “Talk to me.”

“Awl right, man. Ah just thought you’d wanna know about them askin’ questions.”

“What are they asking?”

“Stuff about you, man.”

“Like what?”

“Like, who you got here with you, things like that.”

“Who are they asking?”

“Everybody, man.”

“They ask you?”

“Me? Naw, man. I juss heard ‘em askin’ others.”

“Heard them ask who?”

Elvis wiped the sweat from his upper lip and said, “Look, man. Ah came here to tell you wass goin’ on, out in the street. If you don’ want it, I’ll juss let mahself out.” Elvis turned, making sure the cape flared with his exit, and started up the hallway.

Mingo frowned, and Hunter asked, “What was that about?”

“I’m not sure.”

Pepper laughed, “Is that guy for real?”

Elvis heard her laughter as he opened the door and went out, being careful to leave it unlocked. He walked around the corner and stopped by Godoy and a large group of men. Elvis said, “Door’s open. There’s Mingo, two women, an’ the girl. Ah think one of the women is that Border Patrol Agent they sing about.”

Godoy nodded, then said to the men, “Vicente Mora told you I would pay well. If we take all of them alive, I will give an extra one hundred dollars to each man.” There were murmurs of approval. “The Barbosas, Raul, Elvis, and I will go through the front. The rest of you will come through the back, so we will have them between us. Move fast, we don’t know if they’re armed.”

“Do we go on a signal?”

“When you hear us yell, come in.” The groups split up and Godoy adjusted his sunglasses and the long black coat. Jesse pulled down his blond wig, and Johnny tucked his ear under the innertube, pulling the rubber lower over his eyebrow for a little extra protection. Raul looked nervous, and Elvis worked on his hair, saying, “Raal, mah ducks look all right?”

Godoy said, “Raul, Jesse, Johnny, you go in first. E and I will follow,” the men nodded and Felipe said, “Let’s go.”


Anda had a bad feeling about the tall man. She said, “There’s going to be trouble, that man was lying.”

Hunter said in Spanish, “Yes, I think so, too. We should go.”

Pepper asked, “What are you two saying?”

Mingo started up the hallway to check on the front door when it opened and men swarmed inside, yelling, “Now! Now!”

Raul entered first, followed by the Barbosas. Mingo stepped in front of them before Elvis and Godoy entered. Hunter raced up the hallway and saw Mingo attack. He was fast, striking with hands and feet, spinning and kicking, twisting and throwing. Mingo struck Raul in a fury, and dropped him unconscious on the floor. He feinted at Jesse, then sprinted for the bar.

The Barbosas were quick for such big men, and they made it to the bar as Mingo circled behind it. Jesse and Johnny hit the bar high with their shoulders, driving with their legs, and the twelve-hundred pound oak bar went over, the nails shrieking as they came out of the floor. Water hissed and sprayed against the wall as the sink faucets pulled loose from the pipes. The booming crash shook the walls and rattled the bottles by the mirror. Pieces of oak trim split off and made clattering sounds as they bounced across the floor.

Mingo dodged away, barely getting past the end as the bar hit and splintered. He circled to block the hallway and waited for the Barbosas. Then he heard the back door explode inward. Eighteen yelling men charged towar

d Anda and Pepper.

Hunter whirled and arrowed for Anda. She saw Pepper move between Anda and the men. Mingo looked at the Barbosas, then raced down the hallway after Hunter. Mingo passed her as they entered the living room and he watched Pepper swing at a large man. Pepper hit the man in the face, but he kept coming and swung his fist into the side of her head, knocking her to the floor.