Hunter took a deep breath and nodded in silence.

The mini-skirted reporter was beside Ronnie, leaning down with the mike, hand on his shoulder again, “Mr. Kincaid, does this make for an awkward situation, considering next week’s trial?”

“Pepper, please call me Ronald.” Pepper beamed. Ronald continued, “And no, it’s not an awkward situation. Hunter and I are here for our mother. No other reason. What happens at the trial is a separate issue.”

“But the issue, shooting a man in cold blood…”

“Hunter is my little sister and I care a great deal for her. But she has always been impetuous. She always felt like everything was black or white, no shades of gray. I know in my heart that she is a good person. It was her actions that were bad, and that is what the trial will be about, a bad thing, not about her being bad.”

Hunter said, “Hey?”

They looked at her. The cameraman lit her up with the floods.

“I’m here to see my mother. You two want to flirt with each other, go do it out in the hall.”

Pepper might have been young and looked like nothing but breasts and legs and red hair and green eyes, but she was quick, “Agent Kincaid, obviously you’re distraught about your mother, and uncomfortable being here with your brother, but we only wish to give a fair representation.”

Ronald said, “Pepper, why don’t we go outside? We can give Hunter a chance to be alone with Mother, and I am sure she will give you an interview in return. How about it, Hunter?”

Damn, he had boxed her in again. “Okay,” Hunter mumbled.

When the door closed, Hunter asked, “Mom, were you drinking?”

“Not really.”

“Where were you before the accident?”

“In the lounge at the Holiday Inn.”

“The lounge. How many drinks did you have?”

“I didn’t count them, dear. A few, several.”

“More than three?”



“Yes, well a little more.”

“Mom, don’t make me guess.”

“I had seven, all right? I hadn’t planned on it, but the bartender was especially nice and the drinks were very good and I was…I was lonely.”

Ronald came in as Belinda started crying. Hunter could see Pepper watching as the door started to close.

Ronald said, “What did you do?”

“Well, Ronnie, I beat the crap out of her until she confessed.”

“Still smart-mouthing just like when you were a kid.”

“Hey, we ain’t kids anymore.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”