Godoy pointed beyond the camp to the still moving, roaring butane bottle as it glanced off another rock and careened across the draw at a sharp angle. “I think she unhooked it, and then lit it when Cleto went in the tent with his dick in his hand.”

“And the girl?”

“Gone. The women too.”

“What do you wish us to do, Colonel?”

“Tell me about the crossing.”

“We had some trouble.”

“What trouble?”

“We were discovered by two Border Patrol Agents.”

Godoy put his hands on his hips, “And…?”

“We were prepared to shoot, but they were too quick, especially the woman. She stepped in front of us and told us to stop, and as we raised our weapons, she moved very fast, very quick into a side draw. We were going to go after her when another of the Agents called from behind us. We turned and he escaped also. At that point, we felt it was best to move to the meeting point as quickly as we could.”

Anda smiled as she listened.

Godoy nodded, “And did you make delivery?”

“Yes, my Colonel. We were also in communication with our team as they drove when the Border Patrol, the same man and woman, almost caught them again.” He added, “But they got away, our people got away.”

“And how did we manage that?”

“El Milagro, Colonel. The Miracle. It seems that a large vehicle from the Sheriff’s department hit and disabled the Border Patrol vehicle.”

Godoy said, “Miracles are to be appreciated in our business, and not forgotten.” Felipe clapped his hands together and said, “Good enough. I want you to assist the wounded here, then prepare to run down those women. When you catch them, kill them on the spot and leave them for the buzzards.”

“Someone’s coming, Colonel,” said one of the soldiers in the back.

Anda watched as two large men walked into the camp, looking tired. The Barbosas had made it off the mountain.

Jesse said, “Colonel Godoy, we saw the fire…”

Godoy looked them up and down, “The Barbosas. What a small world, us meeting here like this. Did someone rob you, beat you up?”

Johnny said, “No, Colonel. We were taking some women downriver to cross, and they tricked us, almost

burned us up.”

“Three women?” Godoy asked.

“Two women and a girl.”

“Yes, the little Indian. So they did this to you, and you’ve been following them?”

“Yes. The little one burned our car, left us on foot.”

Godoy crossed his arms on his chest, “She likes fire, that one,” He pointed around the camp. “She did this to us, thanks to you letting her get away.”

“Wait, my friend. We didn’t let her get away.”

“Because we’ve been partners in the past, do not mistake that for friendship. Your carelessness almost cost me a large shipment. If the little Indian had lit the gas an hour earlier, my packages would have gone up in ashes with the rest of this place.”

Jesse could see the Colonel working himself up. “My Colonel, Your shipment did make it, yes? That’s the main thing, the success of your mission.” Jesse continued, “If there’s something we can help with here…and then, perhaps you can give us a ride into Ojinaga?”