Rockman said, “And I’ve been on it for a week. How the hell you think I knew they were coming?”

Hunter said, “Looks like neither one of us got them, doesn’t it?”

“No shit.”

Raymond said, “What were they carrying?”

Rockman kicked at a small rock, “Coke. About three hundred kilos.”

“If you’ve known for a week, why didn’t you let our station know about it?”

Wayne looked at Hunter, then at Raymond. “The informant said there’s somebody in law enforcement that’s in on it.”

“They say who?”

“He said he didn’t know. Didn’t know if it was local, state, or federal, just that somebody’s dirty and feeding the smugglers info.”

“You think it’s somebody in the Patrol?”

“I don’t know, but I didn’t want to take any chances, so I worked it alone.” He looked at the two vehicles, “Everybody running with their lights out like that, it’s a wonder we all three didn’t crash together.”

“I’m glad we didn’t,” said Raymond as he held a handkerchief to his cut. “That group was armed for

a small war. They’re military, or maybe ex-military. Very efficient, organized.”

“Yeah, that’s what the informant said, ‘Like soldiers.”

Hunter looked around and found her shotgun.

Wayne looked at Raymond and said, “How’s the head?”

“It’s about stopped.” Raymond dabbed it a couple of times, then said, “You want to give us a hand, see if we can get the Tahoe back on four wheels?”

“Sure, I’ve got a come-along in the back.”


The Tahoe righted without much trouble. The driver’s side door was jammed, so Raymond crawled through the passenger’s side and turned the key. It started right away. Raymond turned the wheel and the tires responded. “I think it’s good to go,” He said.

Hunter looked at Rockman’s vehicle. The Ram Charger had a massive grill-guard bumper made of welded two-inch pipe that protected the front of the vehicle from tires to hood. Other than small scratches on the pipe, the vehicle was unharmed.

Hunter said, “Good thing you had that bumper.”

“It’s paid off more than once, with the deer on the highway.”

“Uh-huh. If you get some more information on these guys, think about sharing. It might keep some of us from being shot.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Hunter walked to the Tahoe and Wayne said, “You can send copies of your report over to me with your Chief. He’s coming to the house tonight.”

Hunter started toward him. Raymond said, “Don’t, Hunter.”

She ignored Raymond and went to Rockman, who was standing by his door. Hunter said, “If you keep digging at me, you’re not gonna like what happens.”

Wayne grinned and patted her face with his big hand. Hunter grabbed his wrist to pull it away, and was shocked when she couldn’t move his arm. It was like grabbing a stiff tree branch.

Rockman said, “I’ll do anything I want. Now, you get that sweet little ass of yours out of here.” He said it low enough that Raymond couldn’t hear.