“You lying bastard,” Hunter said. “You’re not letting us go.”

Godoy looked her in the eye, “No.”

The people in the crowd talked among themselves, and Felipe heard that they didn’t believe him. “It is true. This one,” he pointed at Pepper, “is a television reporter from El Paso, here to show your place to the world.” Voices in the crowd grew angry. “And this one,” he pointed at Hunter, “Is La Tejana, the Border Patrol Agent. She wants to destroy Outlaw Road, to destroy all things Mexican.” The crowd stirred like a disturbed bee hive. Felipe knew he had them, “The little one, and the man who you know as Mingo Cruz were their spies.” Fists rose in the air and loud voices shouted threats.

“Do not worry. My men and I discovered their intentions before it was too late. Now, we will have justice.”

“Let’s beat them, run them out of town!” Shouted someone.

“I will do better than that,” Felipe said. “I will hang them.”

Mingo tried to rise, but one of the men put a foot on his back and pushed him down.

Pepper didn’t understand Spanish and the sudden noise of the crowd frightened her even more than before, “What’d he say?” she asked Hunter.

Hunter was grim, “He said he’s gonna hang us.”

“Oh god,” Pepper staggered as her legs went weak.

Hunter was so focused on looking for a way out that she didn’t see the little Tarahumara move from beside her, rotating behind so they were back to back. Tiny hands touched hers, and Hunter felt Anda trying to untie her bonds.

Felipe enjoyed the attention, but Jesse and Johnny were nervous. Elvis attempted to lose himself in the crowd. Jesse said, “I don’t like this.?


“Me neither, but we gotta be careful. We ruin their fun, this crowd’ll turn on us.”

“I know. If we have to go along with this, we will.”

Felipe held up his hands and said, “I think we should be polite and not forget our manners on this occasion, do you agree?” The crowd was into it, and shouted approval. Felipe continued, “It should be ladies first, and…I think the red-headed reporter should receive the first honor.”

The crowd erupted in agreement, and as the sound died down, one voice said, “Raise her high, we want to see what she has under that short dress!” There was laughter and catcalls.

Pepper didn’t speak Spanish, but she understood Felipe’s look. “Shit,” she said, shaking her head. The Barbosas came to her and led her under the tree. Pepper turned to Hunter and said, “If you find a way out, come back and kill these bastards for me.”

“I will.” Hunter could feel Anda’s fingers working hard at the knots and she heard Anda gasp as one of them loosened.

Men led Pepper under a tree branch six feet above her. Felipe tossed a rope over the limb and built a loop. He came to her and placed the noose over her head, then positioned the knot behind her head rather than under her ear, so she would strangle for a long time. When he finished, Felipe patted her on the cheek and said in English, “Try not to soil yourself. It makes for a poor show.”

Pepper could see herself reflected in Godoy’s sunglasses. She felt the tears run down her cheeks, and said, “Somebody’s going to get you.”

Felipe grinned, “Maybe, but it won’t be you.” He wiped a tear from her face and licked it off his finger. He told the Barbosas to grab the end of the rope. They were reluctant, but did as ordered. When the rope was taut, Felipe made an air-kiss to Pepper. “Pull her up,” he said.


Wayne Rockman saw the cars blocking the road, so he pulled behind a building and parked. He took the shotgun and checked the two pistols, then put extra rounds of buckshot in his pockets. He could see the crowd by the tree, and he recognized Hunter and Pepper. Checking the area, he saw a route along the backs of several buildings that would get him close without anyone seeing him, unless they were inside a building when he passed. But he didn’t have much time. The angry sounds of the crowd reached his ears. He loped off, staying low and watching everything.

Wayne slipped around the building and stayed in the shadow of the wall until he found a place with a clear line of sight. Felipe was putting the noose around Pepper’s neck.

Wayne was in a good place, with the wall behind his back and no crowd beside or behind him. They were all watching the show underneath the tree.

He stepped into the street as the Colonel gave the order. Wayne yelled, his voice loud and commanding, “Felipe Godoy!”

The Barbosas froze on the rope and the crowd turned their heads toward the voice. Angry yells erupted when they saw Rockman’s badge.

Hunter couldn’t believe it. Wayne stood in the dusty street, feet apart and ready. He dwarfed the Mexicans nearest him. He looked huge, powerful, and dangerous. The scene was almost surreal. Wayne Rockman, all alone, facing a crowd of two hundred well-armed, hardened criminals and killers on their own turf, and he wasn’t mobbed.

The crowd milled about and Godoy waited until a man stepped between him and Rockman before he drew. The pistol flashed out and pointed between Hunter’s eyes. Felipe said in English, “You trying for a miracle here, Sheriff? Well, not today. Put down the shotgun. You don’t want this pretty one to get shot in the face, do you?”