“Looks like. I’ve got the four deputies I sent out earlier doing the initial work. It’s just gonna be a long day. Sorry we didn’t get here in time for you. Good luck on your case, Hunter.” He sounded like he meant it.

The line went dead and Truman said, “I think I lost my appetite.”

Hunter said, “Now what?”

Truman punched in numbers on his cell phone. “I’ve got another deal working, but I didn’t want to tell you about it and get your hopes up.”

“Whatever it is, I could use my hopes being raised right now.”

The phone clicked and popped, then they heard the first ring. Truman said, “My guys, another team of ‘em, have been digging around, and they heard there might be a picture of El Lobo holding some sort of pistol.”

“Truman, you are wonderful!”

The phone rang a second time. Truman said, “Don’t get your hopes too high, it’s just a rumor right now, but they’re looking.”

They heard the clack of someone answering and a voice said, “‘Lo?”

“It’s Truman. Hey, you having any luck with the picture chase?”

“Hi Tru, yeah. In fact, we’re going to a place called Outlaw Road right now. Some trader guy out there’s supposed to have it, says he’s offering it to the highest bidder.”

“Somebody else wants it?”

“Seems like. My guess, if the photo’s real, then El Lobo’s widow could lose a lot of dinero, what with the song and all.”

Truman scratched his chin and said, “Maybe.”

“Could be somebody else we haven’t thought about, or it could be the trader just bluffing, trying to up the ante.”

“If it’s the real deal, pay whatever it costs. You know I’m good for it.”

“No problem. If it’s real, we’re gonna come back with it.”

“That’s my man.”

“Later, Tru.” The phone went dead and Truman smiled at Hunter as he hung up his end.

Hunter said, “Who are those guys?”

“So now you start quoting lines from Butch Cassidy.”


Hunter shook her head, “You ‘re something else. But what’s this, ‘I don’t care what it costs’ stuff. I don’t have a lot of money, Truman.”

“Don’t worry about it. About ten years or so ago, I did pretty well with some dot-com stocks, and got out just before they dropped through the toilet. That’s when I got into the drugs, all that money.”

“So, you’re saying that if that picture costs oh, fifty thousand dollars, that’s okay?”

“Sounds like a lot for a photo, but, yeah, that’d be no problem.”

“Just how much are we talking about here?”

“Little under eight.”

“Eight what?”
