Page 25 of A Holly For X-Mas

I look up at Nathan in shock.

“It’s for you,” he whispers with a smile.

“How did you—?”

“I told you my sister owns a dealership,” he says with a grin. “I called in a favor.”

“And you’re paying full price, right?” Sandy says. Everyone laughs.

“Yeah, yeah,” Nathan says as Sandy’s husband turns my new car into the driveway and gets out. “My girl is worth the price.”

I don’t even know how to act as I walk over to the car with my head swirling. All these people watching me. Nathan’s loving eyes following me.

“I love it,” I tell him, not knowing what else to say. “Thank you so much, Nathan. For everything.”

“It’s just the beginning,” he says with a warm smile. “I’m taking care of you now and you’ll get everything you need.”

I look into his beautiful eyes and for the first time, in a long time, I think that everything is going to work out just fine.



* * *

One year later…

* * *

“Matthew!” I say as I open the front door with a big smile. “Lian! Merry Christmas!”

Tom rushes over and grabs the presents out of their arms as I step in and give them each a big hug.

It was such a nice surprise four months ago when Matthew returned from Singapore with a brand new wife. I hadn't seen my brother in years but it was a welcome surprise. I was so thrilled to see him.

And the biggest surprise was that I’m going to be an aunt! Lina was five months pregnant and they were both here to stay.

Nathan and his huge clan have become my family over the past year, but there's something special about being close to your blood relatives as well. I always wanted my brother back in my life and I’m so happy and relieved that he’s here to stay for good.

“Look at you,” Lian says as her eyes drop down to my belly. “Your baby boy is growing so fast.”

“I guess he was trying to come out for Christmas,” I say with a smile. “He didn’t want to miss out on all of the fun. But he’s going to have to wait until next year to experience his first Christmas.

“And what about your little boy?” I say as we touch each other's bellies. “He’s definitely in a growth spurt.”

Our due dates are only two weeks apart. I can’t tell you how happy I am that my child is going to have cousins nearby to grow up with. Matthew and Lian bought a house down the street with help from Nathan. Our kids are going to be so close as they grow up. They’re going to be playing on the block every day.

I was hurt when Matthew came home after abandoning me for all those years, but we talked and worked it out. He apologized and we’re closer than ever. And Lian is just great. She’s an amazing wife, sister-in-law, and will be a fabulous aunt and mother. I have no doubt.

Nathan and I hang out with them a lot. We must see them at least a few times a week for dinners and game nights.

I’m so thrilled to have them in my life.

“Come on in,” I say, waving them into the house. “Grab a drink. There's coffee in the kitchen. Wine, beer, even whiskey if you want to get crazy.”

It's only ten in the morning, but hey, it's Christmas. It’s happy hour all day!

They step into the house and I close the door to keep the cold out. We're having a huge brunch with all of our friends and family. Our enormous house is already packed full of people and filled with love.

“Need another mimosa?” I ask my father-in-law Mack as I head to the kitchen to check on my man.

“You read my mind,” he says with a big grin, shaking his empty glass.

His wife (and my mother-in-law) Linda, slaps his arm. “Get it yourself! She’s six months pregnant for God's sake!”

“That's okay,” I say with a smile as I grab his glass and waddle into the kitchen. “I don’t mind at all!”

I'm just so happy to have everyone here.

Those Christmases on my own were so lonely and depressing. I never want to go back to that. I'm thrilled that my child is going to grow up in a big family full of love. I hope he never knows the loneliness that I experienced. The loneliness that Nathan took away forever.

I step into the kitchen and my eyes dart right to my man. I’m always aware of where he is in a crowd. I still can’t seem to get my eyes to wander away from him.

He's standing in front of the stove flipping pancakes with a black apron strapped around his big muscular body.

I grin as I walk up to him and slip a hand into the front pocket.