Page 7 of A Holly For X-Mas

I want to believe him, but what can he know about me after we’ve only met for ten minutes? We’ve barely talked.

My eyes drop down to my mittens. It would be like a Christmas movie if it were true—a real miracle over the holidays—but it’s not. It’s just… I don’t know what it is…

“Let’s just go,” he says as he puts the truck back into drive. “We’ll get into the warm house, put on some clean clothes, and then we’ll see how you feel. Then, I’ll make you understand.”

I want to understand. I really do.

But I’m like the girl at the start of the holiday movie who doesn’t quite believe in the magic of Christmas.

And no matter how hot and tempting this man is, he’s not going to change my mind.

“This is a huge party,” I say as we walk up to the enormous house. It’s a gorgeous place with a three-car garage and a front lawn that you can play a game of pickup football on. Upbeat Christmas music is playing and there are beautiful lights and fun decorations everywhere I look. It’s amazing.

“It’s my brother’s house,” Nate says as he holds my hand. I wish we were in a warm place that didn’t require gloves so I could feel his soft warm skin on mine. “He freaking loves Christmas.”

“I can tell.”

The door opens and a younger (but not as good looking) version of Nate steps out to grab a beer from the mountain of beer cases on the front porch.

“Hey!” he shouts with a big smile when he sees us. “Nate the Great! And who is this?”

“This is my girl,” Nate says, proudly presenting me. “Holly Evans.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say politely.

“This is my brother, Tom,” Nate says with a grin. “Don’t be fooled by the big house. He’s a total idiot.”

Tom lets out a belly laugh. “Yeah, it runs in the family. Come on in, guys. Grab a drink! Warm up!”

I watch with my body tingling as Nate hugs his brother. This looks so fun. I can see people in dresses, suits, and ugly Christmas sweaters inside, dancing, laughing, drinking. It’s the most festive party I’ve ever been to.

“Coming?” Nate says as he turns to me with a grin.

I nod and bound up the steps, excited to join in.

My excitement plummets when I step inside and see all of the fancy people in the gorgeous house. I’m not dressed for this. Not even close.

I have dried-up lentil soup all over my ugly sweater. It’s not an ugly (but actually really cute) Christmas sweater like some of the guests are wearing. This sweater is just ugly. Full stop. It’s the kind of sweater you wear when serving lentil soup at a soup kitchen. Not the kind you wear to a fancy Christmas party where you don’t know anyone.

“Nate!” a pretty woman about my size says as she comes rushing over with her arms open. I’m surprised to feel a bit jealous as she gives him a big hug. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Crystal,” Nate says as he turns to me with a look of pride in his eyes. “This is my girl, Holly.”

Her face lights up and she smacks his arm. “You didn’t tell me you had a girl!”

She’s suddenly playing with the tips of my hair as she looks me up and down with a big excited smile on her face. “Welcome to my house! I’m the sister-in-law. Tom’s wife.”

“It’s a beautiful house,” I say as I look around in awe. “So Christmasy.”

“Thank you,” she says with a gracious smile. She’s so beautiful with long red curls in her hair and a sparkly silver dress. I want to be her when I grow up.

“Holly was volunteering at the soup kitchen,” Nate says.

My cheeks heat up as she smiles extra wide. “That’s so nice! What a sweetheart you are!”

“I picked her up from there,” Nate continues, “and she forgot her change of clothes. Any chance you can lend her a dress for the evening?”

“No, that’s okay,” I quickly say, waving my hands in front of me. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

I would die if I got to try on one of those sparkly dresses or just be able to peek into Crystal’s closet, but it’s too much to ask. Her dress looks like it had way too many zeroes on the end of it to be lending out. I’d imagine the rest of her extravagant closet is the same.

“Nonsense!” she says with a big smile as she slides her arm over my shoulder and starts guiding me to the giant staircase. “I have a dark blue sparkling one that would light up your eyes. Yes! I want to see you in that one. Nate will freak!”

I glance over my shoulder at him as we start going up the stairs. He’s watching me with those intense eyes as he peels off his jacket and hands it to his brother.