“Absolutely,” Callie says, not giving me a chance to finish my sentence. “Although neither of us went to bed till late that night. I can still vouch he was here all night.”

“Can anyone back your statement up?” Cage asks.

“Yes,” Callie says, shocking the hell out of me. “My best friend Katie was here until after eleven that night. I remember because she was helping fill out some unemployment forms and short-term disability forms that I needed to turn in because Mitch left me unable to work. There were so many forms that the date is kind of burned into my mind. I can give you her phone number so you can contact her if you like. You can even do it now, if you’d like. That way you will know I don’t have time to discuss it with her.”

“You’re being very helpful,” the detective murmurs.

“Mitch has destroyed enough of my life. I don’t want to give a second more to ruin mine or those of the people I love, detective.”

“I can understand that. I’m very sorry for your pain, Callie. Off the record, my sister died at the hands of domestic abuse and I’m very glad that you are out of that situation now.”

“Thank you,” she says quietly, but I think I hear tears in her voice, and I’ve had enough.

“Detectives, if that’s all you need, I’d appreciate it if you would leave. We work very hard to make sure that Callie isn’t confronted with this bullshit and is given time to heal,” I rumble, unable to keep the irritation out of my voice.

“Of course. We’re very sorry. We’re just doing our job—even if we don’t like it sometimes.”

I nod, rubbing Callie’s shoulder in comfort. I escort the cops outside and give them my number and reluctantly give them Katie’s.

“If anything else comes up, I’d appreciate it you call me. I want to shield Callie from this as much as possible. She’s been through hell. I don’t want her to have to handle more. Even hearing about my brother upsets her and makes her nightmares worse.”

“There shouldn’t be anything. I doubt we’ll find who was driving the other vehicle. There’s no real description. Frankly, I’d rather spend my time solving crimes that help the victims.”

“You have my number if you need me,” I tell him. I’m not running away, but I’m not volunteering my head on a platter either.

“That we do,” he says. I stand there until they drive out of sight. I turn slowly and walk back inside. It would appear Callie and I have some things we need to talk about.



I’m about ten minutes away from a total meltdown. I did my best to keep my armor in place while the cops were here, but the truth is, I’m a mess. I don’t know what I would do if Reed got caught up in this. I couldn’t live with myself. I just couldn’t. I watch as the cops pull out of the driveway and then I go in the kitchen and start heating up Reed’s food.

“Callie, what on earth do you think you’re doing?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, refusing to look up.

“I mean, explain to me what you were talking to the cops about. You and I both know I wasn’t here that night.”

“Yes, you were.”


“Reed.” I stop trying to figure out what I want to say and finally just stare at him. “I’m doing what I have to do to make sure you are safe.”

“This is my problem, Callie. I’m a big boy and I make my own decisions. You don’t have a right to get involved,” he gripes. He rakes his hand through his hair, making sure his frustration is evident.

“I love you, Reed. You have always been my best friend, even when we didn’t talk. I have every right in the world to protect you,” I argue.

“Jesus. How did I miss the fact you are stubborn as a mule?” he growls.

“I’ve no idea,” I giggle.

“Okay, Bluebird,” he sighs. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going to happen when the detectives ask Katie about me being with you guys that night? What in the hell do you think is going to happen then?”

“Katie will vouch that you were at the trailer and that your truck was in my driveway the entire time she was there and you’re the one that locked the door when she left. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will also tell them that you were here with me when they called and checked on me around ten thirty that night.”

“Jesus, Callie. You’ve sat and thought about this and wrapped it all up in a tight little circle, haven’t you?”

“Reed, I know I’m a victim of abuse, but regardless of what Mitch always said, I am not stupid. The two are not synonymous.”

“You don’t think I know that, Callie? It was Mitch that was a stupid fuck. He had the most amazing woman God ever created and he didn’t protect her and cherish her. You can’t get more stupid than that.”