“It’s the only one you have right now. I’m thinking you’ll do much better as a Ryker.”

“Ryker?” I ask, slightly alarmed.

“Definitely. What do you think Junie-bug?”

“I think you need to stop calling me that, Trisha,” Junie growls from over at the bar.

“Go back to making drinks for the thirsty masses. Ryker Lane. That’s your name Reed. Breathe it, eat it, sleep it, become it,” she says. Then, without another word, she gets up and walks out. Junie comes over and puts a beer in front of me. I can’t even look at her. I’m too busy looking at the door that Trisha just walked out of.

“How did it go?” she finally asks.

I look back at Junie and shrug. “It would appear that my name is now Ryker Lane.”

“Damn. She signed you?”

“Not yet, but it sounds like it’s going to happen. I’m supposed to call her in the morning. She’s going to set up some gigs.”

“Yay!” she cries, plopping down on my lap and hugging me. “You’re going to be a big star, Reed! I can feel it!”

I wrap my arms around her and hold on. “I just might, Junie,” I whisper, starting to believe it.

“Hey, are you trying to steal my girl?” Greg asks, and as he walks to the table, I get the feeling he’s trying to pretend like he’s joking, but he’s really pissed. I can’t say as I blame him. If Junie was mine, I wouldn’t like finding her in another man’s lap. Still, the way he’s looking at her disturbs me. It raises warning flags….

“Shut up, Greg. Reed is on the verge of being signed by Trisha Marks.”

“No shit, really?” Greg asks, sitting down. Junie stands up and I reluctantly let her go. Junie is the first woman since Callie that makes me happy to be around. If Greg messes up, I’m going to make a move.

“Really, although it seems I may not be Reed Lane anymore.”

“What does that mean?” Greg asks.

“She thinks the name Ryker Lane would be more mainstream.”

“Ryker…” Junie murmurs. “I kind of dig it, Reed.”

“I guess, but George—Straight or Jones—didn’t change their names,” I point out.

“Well, yeah, but I mean they’re the kings. Conway Twitty’s real name was Harold. Conway did him good,” she says, gasping as Greg reaches out and grabs her, pulling her into his lap.

He’s definitely jealous. I wonder if Junie sees the way he watches her. I need to keep an eye on him.

“Don’t you two know anyone more current?” Greg laughs.

“Okay,” Junie huffs, clearly annoyed with him. She gets out of his lap and stands up. “What about Luke Bryan? His real name is Luther.”

“Really? Luther is kind of cool. It worked for Luther Vandross,” Greg responds.

“That was Vandross’s real name, dingbat. Besides, he doesn’t sing country. Ryker screams cowboy. I say you do it, Reed.”

“I guess I will. I’m not about to tell her no. I’m not stupid. Besides, I guess if it worked for Conway—”

“And Luke Bryan. Don’t forget him. Damn, maybe I should change my name. What do you think, Punkin’?”

“I think Greg is a great name for a guitarist. It worked for Gregg Allman.”

“Hmm… I don’t know. What about that guitarist, Slash? That’s a cool nickname and he’s huge.”


“I think I’ll call myself Shred.”

“Shred?” Junie and I squeak out in unison.

“Yeah, like I shred the notes with my guitar. Get it?” Greg says, looking way too proud of himself.

“I’m going to go tell Jason. Punkin, make sure you call me Shred from here on out.”

He walks out so excited that you can see it all over him.

I look up at Junie. “Which one of us is going to break it to him that he’s nicknaming himself after a rat on that mutant turtle cartoon?”

“Not me. If he doesn’t change, I’m going to be kicking him to the curb soon. I’m too damn old to be tied to a man who won’t grow up.”

“That mean the door is open for me?” I ask. For the first time in forever, I’m really interested.

Junie looks at me with a sad smile on her face.

“I would say yes in a heartbeat, Reed. Except for one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I want a man who wants me—not the specter of the woman in his past,” she says. She leans down and kisses my forehead.

I could argue with her, but she’s not entirely wrong…



“Callie? Oh my God! Your hair!” Katie says, and I can see the shock on her face.

I move my hand over it self-consciously. I did my best to fix it after everything Mitch did. I ended up cutting it into a blunt bob and shaved the left side. It looked horrible. I called a beauty shop two counties over and asked for the woman’s help. I played it off like I just wanted a big change and tried to do it myself. The woman thought I was insane—which I am—but not for the reasons she thought.