“Nothing. Just thinking out loud. It’s been a rough couple of days,” I mutter.

“You’ve had some bad news from home,” she reasons. “How did your friend ever get? The one that had the car wreck.”

“She’s okay. She’s still in the hospital,” I murmur, reaching out for my drink again.

“Shit. I’m sorry. Do you need to go back home for a few days? We can reschedule tomorrow’s performance. Dave is really cool. He won’t mind.”

“No, Trisha is going to be here, right? I need to perform. Besides, no matter how much I want to be by Callie’s side, it’s not my place anymore. Hell, it never was, I guess.”

“That sounds like all kinds of things and none of them good.”

“Pretty much,” I agree.


“You have a way with words, Junie.”

“I’ve been told that very thing. Of course, it’s usually after I tell someone to go fuck off. My brother says I’m a poet with those particular two words.”

I laugh, shaking my head.

“You have a brother?”

“Yeah, he’s pretty badass. He’s older, just graduated from the FBI, earned himself a pretty badge.”


“Yeah, well, he had the aspirations in the family. I’m just trying to make it day by day.”

“There’s a lot to be said for day by day,” I point out.

“You aren’t kidding. So, what happened with Callie?”

“She got knocked up by my brother—who doesn’t have aspirations. He’s just an ass.”

Junie lets out a wolf whistle that seems to vibrate inside of me.

“That’s a tough one to come back from.”

“I think it’s one you can’t come back from.”

“Well, that’s what I was thinking, but I didn’t want to piss on your last hope,” she says. I laugh but not truly because it was funny. It’s more like it just reinforces how bleak everything is. “Was she hurt bad in the wreck? I mean, it’s been almost a week, right?”

“From what Katie tells me, her therapist has her under observation.”

“Oh, shit.”

“She asked the paramedics to let her die.”

“Fuck, Reed. I’m sorry.”

“She’s been broken since she lost her baby. Hell, maybe before that. I was just too wrapped up in life to grasp it. I let her down in a lot of different ways…”

“If you care that much, then why don’t you go down there? Maybe you can ignore the fact she hit it with your brother and be there for her now. People can forget a lot of shit when love is involved—or so they say. I’m not sure I’ve ever been in love.”

“You don’t love Greg?” I ask. We both look over at the man in question, who, by this time, is snoring loudly.

“I like him a lot when he’s not being a dick or drunk off his ass. I’m not sure I’m cut out for love. Anyway, this isn’t about me. If you feel this strong for Callie, why don’t you go to her. Women love it when men care enough to be there when they need someone. It could be your way back together.”

“I do believe you’re a romantic, Junie.”

“You spread that shit around, Reed Lane, and I’ll gut you like a fish,” she huffs, clearly not amused.

“Point made. It doesn’t matter, however. I can’t be there for Callie.”

“Why not? Didn’t you say she lost the baby? That sucks and all, but it does open doors for second chances. Eek, that sounded cold. I’m not. I mean—”

“She’s wearing my brother’s ring on her finger, Junie,” I answer. I don’t want her to continue beating herself up.

“Oh, fuck me sideways.”

“Is that a real offer, honey?”

She laughs, which is not the response you truly want from a woman.

“You wouldn’t know what to do with me, Reed,” she finally responds.

“Maybe, but it would be a hell of a lot of fun to try,” I answer, which makes her laugh harder.

I’m starting to think my luck with women will always be bad. On that note, I take another drink. Maybe Greg is right and getting drunk is the answer to it all.




“Why are you dressed up?” Mitch asks, and I do my best to hide the way I jump when he comes into the bedroom unannounced.

I spare a glance at him through the mirror I’m standing in front of. He looks good today. Worn jeans that hug his hips, a faded soft blue t-shirt, his hair just a little long and in need of a cut, and his eyes that I used to think sparkled have a little twinkle to them. I’ve always heard the devil was beautiful. I should have paid more attention to that fact.

“I’m meeting with Katie after work,” I murmur, straightening a scarf around my neck. I look hollow. I hate the reflection staring back at me. Truth be known, the last thing I want to do is have dinner with Katie. I know that if I don’t, however, she’ll come over here. That’s the last thing I need. I apply a little more make up, trying to hide the circles under my eyes and add a little color to my cheeks. Hopefully, it works enough to get me past Katie’s scrutiny. She’s been watching over me like a hawk—well, as much as she can. Mitch is very careful about how much time I have around anyone.