“What? I’m just telling the truth, ain’t I, little brother?”

“Go dance, Mitch. Your woman is waiting,” I reply, keeping my voice even.

“You got that right,” he says. “My woman.”

“Mitch, stop this—”

“It’s okay, Callie.”

“Yeah, it’s okay, Callie. Little brother and I are just talking. Right, Reed?”

“I’m sorry, Reed—”

“Don’t worry about it, Callie. This is why I told you the other day bringing Mitch to one of my shows was a bad idea.”

“The other day? Have you been trying to see my wife behind my back, brother dear?” Mitch prods, clearly surprised and not happy about it. “You’ve been keeping secrets, Callie,” he adds, his voice hardening.

“No, I mean, your mother asked Reed to come by and fix the water leak.”

“I told you that I’d fix that leak,” he growls.

“Now, you don’t have to,” I answer for her, standing up. “After all, you’re always so busy with work and stuff.”

“Just say what you mean, Reed. Grow some balls for once,” he taunts.

“I’m just saying you must be really busy if you can’t even fix a loose banister to keep your wife and unborn child safe.”

“Reed!” Callie gasps.

In my peripheral vision, I can see her hand come up to cover her mouth. I know bringing it up hurts her, but I don’t have time to feel guilty about it because Mitch lashes out, and his fist connects with the side of my face. There’s just no way that I can lie. I’ve been wanting this showdown for way too fucking long. I don’t even take time to blink. I take his hit as if I can’t feel it and immediately deliver my own, plowing my fist into his nose, feeling nothing but fucking joy as his blood sprays against my fist. Mitch comes right back at me. We trade punches. I’m so lost in the fight that I don’t know if I’m getting the better of him or not. It’s not like I really care, I’m enjoying the opportunity to hit him—everything else is just secondary.

I don’t know how long it is before we’re pulled apart and security has me in a bear hug, dragging me back from a bloodied Mitch, but it seems way too soon.

“Stay away from my wife, little brother. You weren’t enough to satisfy her when we were younger, and you sure as fuck aren’t now.”

“Mitch! Stop!” Callie cries.

I wipe some blood from my lip. My gaze going to the two people who have controlled my life in one way or another for far too long.

I watch as Mitch pushes Callie and she falls to the floor. I lunge at him again.

“You son of a bitch!” I growl.

Katie and Jeff help Callie up. I’m pulling against the bouncers that have me restrained to get to Mitch, but they won’t let go.

Mitch laughs, and I shake my head, trying to get control of my anger.

“Let me go,” I order them. “I’m done here.” I don’t think anyone truly believes me. But after a minute or so, they relent. I stand there looking at Mitch. He goes to Callie and holds out his hand. She looks at me and then looks at Mitch. For a brief moment, I think she’s going to tell him to fuck off. That hope is dashed when after sparing me a glance she puts her hand in his and steps out of Katie’s arms. Katie gives me a look of helplessness. That pretty much sums up everything to do with Callie. Helplessness.

Yeah…I’m done here.



“Girl, where have you been?”

“I had to work a double at the nursing home which means tonight is going to be cut short. I’m exhausted,” I mumble. I slide into the booth at Mesa Grande, the local Mexican joint. Katie and I are regulars here, but then, it’s about the only decent restaurant in Macon.

“Damn, that job is killing you, Cal.”

“It pays the bills,” I murmur.

“What can I get you girls?” Chelsea, the waitress, says.

“Sangria and the dinner special,” I order at once. I haven’t eaten since yesterday evening, and I’m starved. There’s no way I’m going home to cook. Mitch is working tonight anyway, so it’s not like he will be there.

“Give me the same,” Katie says. Chelsea writes down the order with a smile before leaving. Right behind her a guy comes over carrying the homemade salsa and chips the restaurant offers—along with the small dishes to pour the salsa in. I reach out to get mine, but Katie grabs my arm, stopping me. “Oh my God! What happened?” She tugs on my long-sleeved shirt, pulling it up. I wince and hiss under my breath. Katie hears me and immediately loosens her hold at the ugly dark bruise and scratches that extend from my wrist up my arm. “What the fuck, Callie?” she gasps.

“It was a full moon,” I joke, yanking my arm back and pulling the sleeve back down. I bring it close to my body as if that will make me safe.