Page 83 of Playboy Prince

Opal looks cute in her crimson cap and gown. And she looks hot in her crimson dress. It suits her long, narrow frame, and it brings out the blue in her eyes.

But she looks like a high school girl.

Today, she looks grown up.

"Briar, I know that expression! You're trying to put it gently." Opal shakes her head. "I live with Simon. I don't need gentle."

"You'd look great in a paper bag," I say. "With those legs and those eyes."

"And the hair." She flips her hair behind her head. "Don't forget the hair."

"The guys go crazy for it?" I ask.

"Of course. But now we need another drink, yeah?" Opal asks. "Nice to see you, Vanessa. Congrats on the wedding, Lee."

"Thank you." Lee beams, then she spots her fiancé, and somehow, she gets even brighter.

She may be a bratty mean girl, but she loves him.

That's as clear as day.

And maybe it's the only thing that matters too.

"I know, I know, no drinks. Whatever." Opal rolls her eyes as she takes Simon's arm. "Your crush is staring at you."

"She isn't my crush," Simon says.

"Yeah, she hates him," Liam says.

"Those things aren't mutually exclusive," Opal says.

"Probably why he likes her, huh?" Liam asks.

"Or maybe because she's smart and successful and gorgeous," Opal says. "She runs a non-profit."

"She is hot." Liam nods.

"Why do you make it crass?" Opal groans. "She's beautiful."

"I'm making it crass? Your favorite brother is staring like he's about to rip her clothes off," Liam says.

He's not wrong.

Simon's stare is intense. Packed with a mix of lust and loathing. No, not loathing. Something closer to frustration.

He wants her.

He doesn't want to want her, but he does.

"She probably doesn't think about him at all," Liam says. "Sad."

"She does," he says.

"Do you really think you're that important?" Opal asks.

"Of course he does," Liam says. "What kind of question is that?"

Simon's eyes flit to us. Then back to Vanessa.

This time, she catches him looking. But he doesn't look away.

"He's going to say some bullshit about how he's not into her," Liam says.

I don't think so. Simon isn't the type to deny his desires. And his stare isn't just lust. It's something deeper.

I never really believed Liam's claims that Simon was hung up on his high school crush slash rival, but there's something between them.

Something big.

"Simon? You gonna argue your case at all?" Liam asks.

"Not with you." Simon returns to the conversation, not at all aware of what we're discussing. "Have a drink if you want one, Opal. We're celebrating."

"Really? Thank you." She motions get me a drink to Liam.

"I'm talking to you right now," he says.

"Your fiancée needs one too," she says.

He chuckles. "You're as bossy as Simon."

"I am not," she says.

"Yeah, you're worse. And he's all pent-up sexual frustration. It's like that book you gave me," he says.

"Oh my god, Liam! Did you read the book? It was extremely explicit about the older man's uh… I don't want to think about my brother's dick!"

"Then why are you?" he asks.

"Drink. Now." She folds her arms.

He chuckles too easy. "For that, I will." He blows her a kiss. After she waves it away, he laughs and heads to the bar.

"How do you deal with him?" she asks.

"You won't like my answer," I say.

"His dick? Ugh, he talks about it enough. Why are you talking about it too?" she asks.

"Was it strictly sexual when it started?" Simon asks.

God, the way he asks is terrifying and hot at the same time. No wonder all the women at work spread rumors about his predilections. I've heard everything from monastic self-deprivation to sex clubs every weekend.

What does Simon like?

He is pent up, but he never explodes. He must release the tension somewhere—

"Are you willingly asking about Liam's dick?" Opal's nose scrunches. "Gross."

"I thought so." My eyes go to Liam. "But now, I'm not so sure. I knew him then. Not as well as I know him now, but I… I've cared about him for a long time."

He turns to me. Motions to the line at the bar you believe this shit?

I laugh and nod I do.

This is easy.

Fun even.

I'm a part of the family. A dysfunctional family, sure, but one where everyone loves each other and wants to be together.

Liam returns with our drinks.

He proposes a toast to the bride and groom.

Everyone cheers. People start to dance.

Even Preston joins on the dance floor.

It's almost silly. By uptight rich people standards. I have another drink, relax, melt into Liam's arms.

The stars come out.

The night is beautiful, perfect, peaceful.

Until Preston collapses in the middle of the dance floor.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


It's twenty minutes to the nearest hospital. An ambulance will take too long.

Simon leaps into action. He helps Preston and Harrison into his car. Instructs someone to call for a room.

Somehow, I jump into action too. Find someone sober enough to drive. Climb into the back seat of their car with Liam and Opal. Squeeze their hands on the way.