Page 33 of Playboy Prince

"Yeah, it's low for her. To let her physical needs overtake her mental ones."

He chuckles. "Did you just brag about your dick and pretend it was humility?"

"I did, didn't I?"

He shakes his head silly Liam. "You're really engaged?"


"As in you're going to get married."

"That's the plan. But I'm not sure she's sold yet."

"She's wearing a ring?"


"And you two are in a monogamous relationship?" he asks. "Really?"

"I'm not fucking anyone else."

"She isn't either?"

"Not that I know about."

"Shit. Liam Pierce engaged." He shakes his head. "I can't believe it. Really."

"I know."

"You asked her?"

"Begged her."

"She didn't want to say yes?"

"Her parents have a fucked-up marriage. She's a cynic."

"You're the romantic in the relationship?"

"Have you met Briar?" I ask.

He chuckles true. "She's the only woman who's put up with your shit this long."

"Tell me about it."

"And she's cute," he says. "But not the kinda of girl you usually go for."

"Since when am I picky?"

He raises a brow really. "You think I don't remember high school?"

"We went to an all-boys school."

"And all summer you went after Prom Queen types."

"This is because I hit on Lee the first time I met her, isn't it?" I ask.

"That might be skewing my memory," he admits. "But I don't remember seeing you with an alternative chick."

"I don't like her because she has purple hair."

"So you won't mind if I want a purple-haired dancer at the party?"

"You're finally pro-stripper?" I ask.

"If I am?"

"You ask my fiancée for a lap dance, I kill you."

"If I ask your fiancée for a lap dance, we're even."

That might be true. "If you touch her, I kill you."

His lips curl into a wide smile. One at my expense.

"What the fuck is that?"

"You're jealous."

Shit, I am. Again. I can see the image. Briar, here, in some hot as fuck black lingerie set, sliding onto his lap in this bed, tugging at his tie, whispering this is my wedding present in his ear as she does away with her bra.

It would be fucking hot if it wasn't so fucked up.

"Don't fucking touch her." I try to keep my voice even. Fail miserably. "Please."

"Will you tell me what you're actually planning for the bachelor party?" he asks.

"Fuck no." I'm not the best man. But he did delegate this particular task to me. "Is purple hair your final answer?"

"No strippers."

"But if you had to have one…"

"Someone Jimmy will like."

"Smart. Keep them both distracted."

"He'll probably pay her for sex."

I shrug. "Girl's gotta make a living somehow."

"Nothing illegal. I mean it, Liam."

"Scout's honor."

He shoots me a please look.

"You know I don't have honor I can swear on."

"Promise anyway."

"I can only promise for myself. Not Jimmy." The guy is pretty wild.

Harrison nods fair. "Is this your first time leaving her alone with Dad?"

"Since we told him, yeah."

"Are you telling everyone?"

"Only immediate family. Don't want to upstage your wedding."

"You could have waited to propose," he says.

"The moment struck me."

"Of course." He shakes his head the way he did when we were kids. "You should get back there. Before he tells her where the bodies are buried."

Preston knows a lot of embarrassing shit about me, yeah. Usually, I don't care. But I don't want Briar thinking less of me.

I want her to look at me the way she does in front of Preston.

Like she loves how ridiculous I am.

Like she sees every part of me.

Like she wants me so much she ignores reason.

But that isn't why I need to get back.

It's because she's too honest. She might spill the truth by accident.

I need to stop her.

And kiss her.

I really fucking need to kiss her.

Chapter Fifteen


Thank goodness for parental pride. And parental desire to embarrass. Preston is still responding to my what do you think Liam wouldn't want you to tell me question.

So far, I've learned about the gelatin in the pool prank that nearly got Liam kicked out of boarding school.

The time Preston caught him sneaking a girl into Harrison's room.

The time—and this is one Liam doesn't know Preston knows—Liam set up a legitimate Cyrano De Bergerac situation, and told Harrison exactly how to flirt with a girl.

They were in high school, sure, but it's still horrible for the poor girl, who must have been so confused by quiet, mild Harrison suddenly saying outlandish Liam-like things.

And it's so like Liam to go out of his way to help his friends.

I'm not saying I approve of him lying to this poor girl. But I can see the good intentions there somewhere.

And, really, who am I to judge someone for lying? I may not tell any actual, factual lies today, but I'm deceiving Preston.

"Can I ask the same thing?" Preston smiles warmly. "What would Liam not want me knowing?"

Besides this big lie? "He's trying to talk Harrison out of hosting the rehearsal dinner at the Pierce manor."

Preston nods. "I told him the same thing. Simon…"

Simon and the maid of honor are exes, yes, but—"That's only part of it."