“Yet he carried on.”

“It’s what we do.”

She laughed, and I wished I could hear the sound of her chuckle every single day.

“Popcorn?” I asked her.

“Sure, why not?” she replied.

Refreshments at the ready, we sat at the back of the theater, which actually turned out to be a small screening room, so we were close enough to see fine. And we liked the privacy it afforded us, since no one else was back there.

We took our seats just as the lights went down. As soon as a worker casted the space into the darkness of anticipation, the aged speakers, mounted on the wood paneled walls, crackled to life.

Then the old-fashioned projector flickered in the dark, bathing Holly in a strobing light and making her look like a heavenly creature appearing to the faithful. The urge struck hard— a deep, driving need to touch her, if nothing else, to make sure she was real.

Dreams could be deceptive, after all.

I was able to resist the urge, at least at first. I didn’t want to make Holly uncomfortable, knowing how close to the edge she was. A lot of little things came together, painting a grim and vivid picture of what she’d been through.

The strength of my convictions was the only thing keeping me from stomping her ex’s head in like a pumpkin. As much as he deserved it, I wouldn’t have been any better than him, though, had I given in to my anger.

Instead, I had done something worse. I’d condemned him to live in that head of his.

Fate stepped in and contact between Holly and me was established with plausible deniability on both sides. The tub of popcorn was just big enough to fit both of our hands inside it— not so roomy as to keep them from touching.

Neither of us made the first move at first, our hands submerged in warm, buttery goodness, maintaining skin to skin contact. Her gentle trembling was palpable.

I squeezed her hand then and she smiled at me encouragingly in the dark. Leaving every last kernel of popped corn where it was, I withdrew my hand, caressing my fingertips along her arms as I did so.

Forfeiting the popcorn herself, Holly stowed it under her seat, freeing up her lap. She was wearing pants tonight. The velvety material was still warm as she put my hand on her thigh.

Looking first to our fellow viewers, and then to her, I made sure everything was okay. Detecting not a note of doubt from her and realizing that everyone else had their eyes fixed on the movie, I moved my hand, slowly caressing down, from the top of her thigh to the inner portion, mere inches from her most intimate area.

I worked up a steady stroke, running from her knee up, stopping just short of her pleasure zone, which increased her desire even more. Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore.

Taking my hand by the wrist and tucking it down the front of her pants in no uncertain terms before laying her jacket over her lap, so that no one would know what was happening, she sat back in the seat, opening her legs even more.

My hand slipped down the last few inches, finding her sweet tender spot. Soft and hot under my touch, her urgency was clear. Watching close and touching lightly, I worked her pussy lips, then pinched her hard little clit back and forth in between my fingers, getting her ever closer to a much-needed orgasm.

Sexy Holly was biting her lower lip to keep from attracting attention. And she was doing a good job of it, because not a single head was turning our way. The two full rows of space between us and the nearest viewers helped to no end.

Turning my hand ever so slightly, I got two fingers inside her, up to the second knuckle. I could hear her lightly suck in her breath as I began to finger her pussy while I kept working her clit, kissing her neck all the while.

I could tell she was getting close. Her breath was quickening just so. To be safe, I put a hand over her mouth in case she couldn’t hold it together. It was a risk but one that paid off, with Holly showing no signs of discomfort. Her trust in me was obvious.

She finished, her moan muffled by my gentle hand on her mouth. I felt satisfied now that her panties felt significantly wetter. Retrieving my hand, she sucked my fingers clean one by one, before holding it once more.

We kissed a bit, drawn together by unseen but powerful forces, and settled in to watch the rest of the movie. We hadn’t missed much in terms of the plot. Finally, the rather boring plot ended, and we were free to leave.

Cool air floated across our flushed cheeks, with not only the darkness having fallen upon us but also the temperature.