She nodded and I got ready to deliver my load, pulling back a little more just to make sure not to overwhelm her.

“Good girl,” I growled, stroking her cheek as she swallowed down my massive load. “You make me feel so good.”

I couldn’t believe how fast that had escalated. One minute I’d been telling myself to keep my hands off her and the next, I was cumming down her throat and groaning her name while she lapped up every little bit of it.

It was a much more vulnerable position than I thought I’d want to be in, but for Holly, I would do anything. She was so beautiful, and tons of fun. I was beginning to feel that I was falling for her.

“I need a shower,” I said, after helping Holly off the table.

“Want me to do your back?”

“I could definitely use some soap back there.”

Taking her by the hand, I led her to my bathroom. We washed each other thoroughly before taking turns drying each other off with the Egyptian cotton towels, keeping everything focused and efficient despite the overwhelming temptations of the flesh.

Soon, we were both out of the shower and getting dressed.

“Help?” she asked, turning around.

“Of course.”

After getting her buttoned back into her dress, I went to grab her bag and watched with interest as she applied her make-up.

I was already contemplating doing everything over again and then some, and I really didn’t want her to leave. But just then my phone buzzed.

“Damn,” I said.


“It’s the guys. They’re here to pick me up to go down to the studio. I forgot all about it because you’re such a great distraction.”

It was hard for me to remember anything while she had been working her magic on my cock. And even being in the shower with her and seeing her naked body had been enough to still keep me pre-occupied.

“Ahh,” she said, suddenly sounding alarmed. “What will Seth think if he finds out I’ve gone and hooked up with one of the members of his label’s most successful bands? And right after he made me his personal assistant?”

“Okay, we can handle this,” I told her, not very freaked out, but knowing that she was, and understanding why, due to the nature of her job and the double standards of the professional world. “We just need to come up with a plan.”

And then we did just that.

I felt that she and I could take on the world together. Even if all we were doing was trying to deceive co-workers.

Holly put on her helmet, and I put on my Emperor baseball cap, each to hide our wet hair. Then, after a final kiss, we went down to street level where the guys were waiting.

“Thanks again,” I said to her, waving goodbye.

“No problem.”

“Oh, hey guys,” I added, pretending to just notice that they were there, having not answered my phone when they called.

“What was that all about?” Ragnar asked me.

“Oh, Holly just brought me some fan mail that had gone to the label’s office instead of to my own address,” I told them. “I don’t like to give that out, due to the rabid fans, and Holly said she doesn’t mind delivering it.”

“To all of us?” Varg asked, brightening.


That was a part of the plan I hadn’t thought far enough ahead for— I didn’t want to make Holly everyone’s mail delivery woman.

“I’m not sure. Perhaps Claudia could do it for some of us,” I suggested.

“Now there’s a good idea,” Varg said.

“I thought Holly was Seth’s personal assistant,” Ragnar said, sounding somewhat suspicious of my story. “And Claudia’s the label’s receptionist. If it’s the receptionist’s job to bring us our mail, why wouldn’t Holly have done it when she had that job?”

“All I know is that keeping the bands and the fans happy is Seth’s number one priority,” I said, thinking on my feet. “Holly knows that, but she probably didn’t have time to personally deliver our mail when she was the receptionist.

“Now that there’s been a need for Seth to have an assistant, Holly probably wants to go above and beyond to make us happy, but it will probably be something best delegated to the receptionist, since two people can now divide up some of the same tasks Holly used to do in that role.”

“True enough,” Ragnar said, and to my relief, he was nodding, as if it all made sense after all.

I guessed that Holly and I had successfully foiled them.

With the topic effectively dropped, much to my relief, we loaded up the van to make more musical magic down at The Sanctuary.

The quiet hope that Holly would be bringing us lunch was whispering in the back of my mind.

I had just had some of her, but I wanted all of her.

And I was beginning to realize that I might not ever be able to get enough of her.