“Oh, long gone,” she quickly answered.


“Yep. Story of my life. As predictable as autumn leaves. Just when I get to really like someone - poof, he’s gone.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine, I’ll live. I have a new guy now anyway.”

“That was quick.”

“Quick but wonderful. We’ve been together nearly a month now.”

“And this is the first time you’ve mentioned him?” I asked.

“Well, technically, no, but that time, you weren’t listening. And that’s okay. I get it. You just seemed so distracted with the course and all. I thought it would be better to wait until you were done, to try to tell you about him again.”

“I’m done now, so spill.”

“Well, his name is Varg—”

“Varg? Is he a Viking?”

“In a manner of speaking. I mean, he’s from Norway, though Varg isn’t his given name. His family calls him Peter, but they’re the only ones.”

“Inventive,” I said, after racking my brain for something normal to say to that very abnormal situation.

“He’s in a band, so it only stands to reason.”

That caught my attention. There were few things that excited me like meeting other musical types of people.

“It’s a Metal band,” Ashe amended, likely trying not to crush my dreams too hard.

Most people knew what a music snob I could be. It took months for my mom to finally get me to even try Warren Zevon. It should have been a lesson to at least try and be more open minded, but the lesson had yet to really take.

“I say Metal,” Ashe corrected herself, “but it’s really not. At least not what most people would think of as Metal. Particularly if they’re going by the classic definition. They sound nothing like Black Sabbath. I’ll just put it that way.”

“What do they sound like, then?”

“You know Wagner?”

I could only assume the question was rhetorical. Not in the least because I’d done my passing entrance essay on Wagner and his innovative use of bass to deepen tone.

“Yes,” I said. “Of course.”

“A lot like that, only without the strings.”

My mind spun as I tried to imagine such a thing. In the end I decided that it just wasn’t possible. Wagner without strings would be like pie without crust.

“Here,” Ashe said, hauling her bag up onto her lap.

From its deep, dark expanse, which may or may not have contained its own pocket that served as another dimension, she drew a small, plastic jewel case. It was the kind of thing that CDs were held in. That was another pre-millennium technology yet to completely go the way of MySpace.

“Loki’s Laugh,” I said, reading the band’s name off the front. “Are they a Marvel comics tribute band, then?”

“No, it’s more like the original Loki, from Greek Mythology? Thor’s brother.”

“Oh, right,” I said, feeling stupid because I should have known.

“They have a gig this weekend,” she informed me. “And then another one soon at Summerfest. At least, that is, if we ever get around to planning it. Their record label wants us to do it, but I just haven’t had time.”

“Well, no wonder—it’s still technically Spring! Isn’t that a bit early for a Summerfest?” I asked.

“Usually,” she said, laughing. “But the concerts had been halted during lockdowns and this is the first time the bands have come to play in over a year. Since things are finally opening up, Summerfest was scheduled earlier than usual in celebration. There are going to be fireworks and everything to celebrate.”

“Nice,” I said, nodding my head. “Sounds cool.”

“Definitely. I’m excited. And if you try out their sound and like it, you’re welcome to come along to the concert. There shouldn’t be any trouble getting you on the guest list. They’re still trying to keep things kind of small due to Covid, but I have my connections, since I happen to be dating a member of the band.”

She flashed me a toothy grin as if that settled the matter, but I was still stuck on the popularity of this band I’d never heard of.

“There’s a guest list?” I asked her.

“Oh, always. Though that’s only for people who don’t have tickets.”

“I take it they’re not a club band.”

“Oh, goodness no. Theatres and halls all the way. They’ve been to Vancouver before, playing the Commodore Ballroom.”

I looked back at the record, as though this might give me some insight as to how such a thing was possible. I was aware that acts like Metallica could fill arenas but had assumed it had been all dive-bars and truck rallies for them before that.

Then again, Ashe had specified that Loki’s Laugh wasn’t the usual Metal band. I vowed to myself that I would give it a try despite it not being my usual thing, since I didn’t want a repeat of the ‘Zevon Incident.’

“Yeah, so definitely check it out,” Ashe continued. “If the concert suits your tastes, you have to come with me to Summerfest!”