It was kind of fucked-up, and at the same time it really got me that she’d looked at me and all the bad shit I was capable of, and she’d seen potential instead of garbage.

I didn’t let myself think too hard about what I did next. I pressed up against her, pinning her to my car. My body still remembered hers from the last time we’d tangled, but not in a sense where I felt like I already knew everything and didn’t need more. I definitely needed more… and more.

I kissed that pretty quivering mouth, taking her in, and then I moved to her neck. While I sucked hard enough to leave a mark, my hands moved over her body. I was enjoying the curves I was finding, but I also had a purpose: I was pretty sure Tamara had exactly what I needed right now.

“For all you play a bit dumb sometimes, you’re not the sort of girl who lets herself get caught out in the same way twice, are you?” I murmured into her ear. I popped the top button on her school shirt open without needing to look… and then my fingers found it. A condom tucked into her bra.

She shuddered as I drew it out. “It’s hard when they don’t give you any discreet pockets in the summer uniform.”

Damn right it was hard. “I’m going to need to take this one back off you, babe. Is that okay?”

She started protesting when my hands moved down to get both of us ready. “Here? Now? We’re out in the—anyone could—”

I pushed her hands aside when they came up to fend me off. “Keep quiet and take it in, and nobody needs to know.”

Her mind was clearly still thinking that over, but her body had decided to go with what it wanted. She pressed against me as my hand went between her legs.

“Good girl. I can’t fucking wait for this.” I could barely coordinate myself to get the condom on. I was going to persist, though. Cutting corners like that had screwed things up the last time.

Tamara tipped her head back against the roof of my car, exposing her throat. That level of complete trust made me shake even harder. Then her cheek twitched into a wicked smile. “Now you know who my dad is you’re overcome with excitement.”

“Baby, your dad could have been the umpire at one of Brad Chalmers’s amateur games and I would be busting a nut to get back in.”

She stiffened as I pushed her panties down to her ankles and went all rigid again when I pressed into her, though she quickly recovered her composure. That was the sign I’d missed last time, and I wasn’t going to make the same mistake again. She deserved to be treated well.

So here I was fucking her in a corner of our school grounds, where anybody could show up and see us. Well, all I had to give her at the end of the day was me. My many flaws and my ability to make her squirm like nobody else.

Her fingernails dug into my arms. “This is so wrong… I shouldn’t…”

“Like it?” I moved carefully, slowly. It wouldn’t look like anything to anyone who wasn’t close to us, and I wanted to keep anyone from wanting to get close to us. I wanted to keep her to myself. It was just fine with me that going slowly was making a mess of her. She seemed barely able to contain herself.

Tamara bit her own lip to contain her ecstatic gurgling when she came, and that just set me off. I felt my car rock a little as I pushed into her one more time, hard, before letting her go. She was trying to look like she had it together as

she was staggering away from me, but she had to return to the side of the car to lean against it.

She remembered her lost panties at the same time I did. I was faster. When she was still turning they were in my pocket.

Tamara put her hand on her hip. “Steven, I need those.”

I patted my bulging pocket, using my other hand to make myself decent again. She seemed to be struggling to decide which direction to stare in. “No you don’t, sweetheart. You need a good reminder of how much you fucking love my cock so it won’t take you so long to come back next time.”

That made her eyes wide. “Maybe you should have just asked me instead of playing all these stupid games—”

“Shush, or I’ll vaporise more than your panties.”

“You shush,” said Tamara, “or I’ll make sure you never meet your idol.”

“He is fucking not my idol.”

Tamara was backing away around my car, keeping her steps small, her knees close together between steps. I liked it, her being careful. Even though I should have just hammered out every animal instinct inside me, it seemed like her just being around brought out that animal side of me.

“I’ll be in touch,” I said, struggling not to burst out laughing at that, and I watched her slowly walk away and into one of the school buildings.

Once she was gone, I finished adjusting myself and adjusted her panties in my pocket, so it was clear there was something in there, but not anything so interesting that my mates would want to steal it. Then I finally headed over to where Lucas was eating lunch, although everyone in the group was pretty well finished by then and I hadn’t left myself much time to eat my own lunch.

I realised as the bell rang that the textbook I’d grabbed out of my boot was probably still sitting on the top of the car, where I’d left it when I realised Tamara needed more immediate attention. Well, I wasn’t fucking heading back out there until I had to go home. I would just have to do without for maths. The class made about as much fucking sense without the textbook as with.

I was feeling pretty good when I did finally get to make my way back to my car to head home.