“It was a bit longer than ten seconds, and how did you know how long I’d been there unless you were waiting to see me?” I was surprised by all the words coming out of my mouth. I sounded so flirty, so sassy—a completely different girl.

“Maybe I just like your terrible attitude,” said Steven. He shot a strangely judgemental look at the television. “You know what, I’m not interested in waiting. I don’t want to take the ri—the trouble of coming to this stupid party and then getting interrupted.”

I wanted to say something smug about him not liking the party either, but I was distracted by him unzipping on one side and pulling on another, taking Callie’s dress off me.

“Okay?” he said, unhooking my bra.

“Okay,” I told him.

Chapter Eleven: Tamara

He took off all my clothes first and then made me stand at a good watching distance while he slowly stripped off his own. I was shivering a little, but mostly distracted by the pornographic scene in front of me. I’d never seen so many hard muscles in one place before. There was a little tattoo on one of his pecs, a small complicated symbol I didn’t recognise. I didn’t remember seeing that in Carlene’s photo.

Steven saw me leaning in to look at it and smirked. “That’s a faction logo from a game I play,” he explained. “Heard of Wild Duty?”

I shook my head, a little bewildered that we were suddenly talking about games when we were both standing naked in front of one another. “I’ve never played games, Ryan doesn’t either. My mother doesn’t like them.”

“I bet your mother would hate what’s happening right now.” Steven started kicking our scattered clothes on the floor into a pile… and then he grabbed me, spun me around, and settled me on my back on top of them.

I caught my breath back. “Oh yeah, I think she’d straight-up murder you if she could see this.” Well, there were probably a lot of good reasons not to use the available bed in this room. Now I was thinking slightly rationally, there were a lot of good reasons not to be doing this in here at all. I couldn’t imagine how horrible it would be to have Ashleigh beating on the door… or worse, her parents. Or half the partygoers standing outside and cheering us on. That was the sort of messed-up behaviour you could expect from drunk eighteen-year-olds, right?

What if some of the other guys decided they wanted a turn?

For just a second I was too nervous to be embarrassed, but then Steven’s body began to press over mine, something hot and firm leaving a slick trail on my thigh, and then I couldn’t think in sentences any more.

He was sucking on my neck, on my nipples. Was I really touching his body back? I couldn’t believe someone who felt like that would be in this situation with me. Something was moving between my legs, pushing inside me—his fingers, but I could barely feel them. I wanted more. I had to have more.

“Fuck.” He gave me more. I could feel the friction of his fingers sliding inside me now, stinging a little but mostly just feeling good. “You are too ready for this. I can’t—”

The next hard stab down there widened my eyes and shook my horniness out of centre stage. He was inside me, his dick was inside me, and I’d been a bit too embarrassed to look in that direction before but I was pretty sure he hadn’t exactly showed up already wearing a condom.

My fingers were digging into the powerful arm muscles holding him up on either side of me. “Yeah,” said Steven, eyes squeezed shut, “it’s good for me too, babe,” and he began to thrust hard into me.

I’d assumed he would guess I hadn’t exactly done this before, but this did not seem like the way a guy treated a girl he knew was a virgin. I was clinging to him now just to keep him from tearing me apart; it felt like this was about level ten in one of Steven’s video games or something.

But one thing I was learning sex definitely didn’t do for you was make the person you were having sex with easy to talk to. Even with his dick pulsing in me, I felt awkward at the thought of telling him I was a virgin now.

Had been a virgin, I supposed.

The shock of the intrusion had faded. Things were starting to feel good again. I decided I actually didn’t want Steven to know the truth. That was my business, and I already felt so completely opened to him in this situation, I needed to keep something to myself.

As he kept thrusting, a feeling started moving through me that made me push my hands against his chest in a stupid attempt to get away from him. I’d felt this before, on occasions when I’d dared to touch myself, and it had always scared me into stopping because I didn’t know where it would go.

Steven’s body was pinning me in place, his thrusts causing those feelings in me to expand while he nibbled at my earlobe and then my neck and shoulder. There was no getting away from it this time.

The noise I made as my body throbbed madly, gripping tightly onto his, was half triumph and half defeat. I couldn’t make sense of what was happening to me—then when he groaned and I felt a smaller version of the same thing from whatever his body was doing, I understood.

I shut my eyes as Steven drew out of me. He grabbed my jaw and shook my head a little until I opened my eyes into his.

“Just making sure I haven’t killed you, babe.” His face was practically glowing. Obviously I hadn’t needed to worry about being good for him. I was still kind of in shock over what had happened at the end, actually. My body was still throbbing. That wasn’t supposed to be something you could just do your first time, or even at all, right?

Steven dug around in the pile of clothes under me, palming my arse in what I’m sure was a complete accident, and produced a tissue he started using to wipe off his dick. I found other things to point my eyes at. I was even less able to deal with looking at it at this point.

“Shouldn’t have done that without a condom though,” he said. “Absolutely fucking naughty. Well, I’m clean, I got tested after the last girl I was with. And I get the feeling you’re not the type of girl to fuck around with guys all over the place. As for the other problem… I guess you’ve got that covered.”

I was so dazed it took me seconds to realise he meant pregnancy. Why did he assume I was on the pill?

I was too stunned to speak for seconds more, and then the moment passed. Steven rolled onto his back and pulled me in against his chest. It felt amazing, like we were in some movie, except real life was so much better because nobody had to go to any awkward lengths to cover their rude bits from the cameras.