My world tilted again; the paramedics were trying to load me into the ambulance, I realised this consciously, but the part of my mind that said and did things wasn’t playing along. I was screaming, clawing at them, trying to make it stop. They held me down; I felt a needle prick in my arm.

And next to me again, another prick: Lucas Starling, who had crashed his fucking like-new BMW into the back of my little car just because… well, who the fuck knew why?

He took my hand. “It’s okay, Callie. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

That was the moment my limbs turned to water and my consciousness faded. I couldn’t grasp the words to tell them no, they shouldn’t let him anywhere near me.

Chapter Three

I opened my eyes and he was still there, his hand a vise around mine.

I snatched it away, and screamed the words I’d been holding onto all this time. “No! Get away from me!”

Lucas let go of my hand. “It’s okay, Callie,” he said, “look, I’m doing as you asked.”

Another voice cut over his, making my head spin because it was familiar but I couldn’t place it. “Callie, you’re confused. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

My mother. My parents were both in the room, on the other side of the bed I was lying in, their faces strained.

Lucas spoke up again, reclaiming the narrative before I could think of the words to convince them I really did know exactly what I was saying. “It’s okay. I understand that an accident like that must have been a trigger for the trauma you experienced the last time you were run into. I’m so sorry I’ve done this to you, if I could go back and make some different choices…”

My head was still a mess after the shock of the crash plus whatever drugs they’d given me to shut me up, but the panic was also causing my mind to focus. I could see I was not going to get anything out of Lucas that would explain why he was doing this while my mother and father were in the room. He’d just keep twisting those facts, and though it seemed impossible right now he might even be able to dump me in it deeper.

I remembered something he’d been telling the paramedics before I was taken away from the crash site. “No, I…” It was a struggle to even say the words. This, too, would have consequences for me. “I, maybe I really wasn’t paying attention. It might have been mostly my fault.”

Lucas did not seem surprised that I was folding. He came straight back over to my bedside, his face plastered with that ridiculous oversized grin I was sure my parents were just melting over, and scooped up my hand again.

“I think it’s been too much for you,” he said, “seeing your car again after what happened the last time you used it.”

Seeing my car again had been nothing but a source of delight, but I wasn’t in a position to contradict him.

“Mum, Dad,” I spoke up, “would it be all right if Lucas and I had a moment on our own to talk?”

Dad, bless him, hung back when Mum immediately stood and tried to drag him with her out of the room.

“Are you absolutely sure you’re up to this? You don’t need to say or do anything right now; the important thing is resting and regaining your strength and I know Lucas appreciates that.”

“I know, Dad,” I insisted. “But I’d just like a moment with him.”

“Don’t upset her before she has to have her tests,” Dad warned Lucas, all but shaking a finger at him as he followed Mum out of the room.

“That man is one tough nut,” Lucas commented as the door clicked shut. I pulled my hand out of his again, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “I don’t know what I have to do to gain his blessing.”

“He’s a smart man,” I said, “so I doubt there’s anything you could do.”

Lucas made a thoughtful noise. “Maybe.” He began to saunter about in the space around my bed. I made myself look away, because his random movements were making me feel nauseated. I focused on taking stock of my own personal situation—and stiffened as I realised I was now in a hospital gown, with only my underwear underneath. When had they taken my clothes? Had he—

His knowing smile made me feel even more naked. “Don’t worry, they made me leave the room while they were getting you appropriately attired. Didn’t give me any opportunities to molest you while you were unconscious either, not that I would. I’m not a necro or anything.”

“You’re giving me this attitude like I should think better of you,” I said, “when you crashed your car into me presumably just to get my attention. Do me the honour of not trying to convince me otherwise, at least.” And he didn’t. “How have you managed to walk away from that thing so well, anyway? Why am I the only one getting drugged and having my clothes stolen?”

“My car has advanced features,” said Lucas. “Yours is just a piece of shit. Not that we need to worry about that any more; I guarantee it’s a write-off after bouncing off the Beast’s nose the way it did.”

I wanted to have a go at him over the Beast, but I was suddenly distracted by a rush of imminent tears. I closed my eyes. “Why have you done this? I wasn’t doing anything to you. I just wanted you to leave me alone.”

Lucas sighed, and when I opened my eyes again he was standing next to me, shaking his head.

“And why should I do that?”