He didn’t come out of me until we reached the bed, and then he pulled back the cover to lay me down in the middle of it and clambered on top of me, sliding back in but only a little, teasing my entrance.

“I really had no fucking clue. You’re always so hot for anything, I mean I figured maybe you hadn’t had some of these things done before because guys our age, you know they’re fucking idiots, but…”

“I’d kissed some guys before and that’s it.” I didn’t feel like I owed him the information, but at that moment I wanted him to know, to see what he would do with it.

I could tell right away from the way he was throbbing a little inside me how much he liked it.

“Well,” he said, “you won’t need anyone else either once I’m through with you.”

He pushed all the way back in again, slowly and smoothly. There was little pain this time, and as he found his way into a rhythm, pleasure from his movements in me and his hands on me blocked everything else out.

I grabbed his hips to brace myself. I felt like I was going to come again already, and I didn’t know that I wanted to give everything up to him so quickly. It didn’t seem right—


?sorry—” Lucas gasped, and at the feel of him pressing further into me than seemed possible, his dick throbbing—well, I didn’t have any control over myself, but I thought I had all the permission I needed.

“Thank fuck for that,” he muttered as my orgasm hit hard. He held onto me all the way through every last bit of it, kissing and nibbling at my neck, and then when I was finally done and quiet, he pulled himself up on his arms to stare down at me.

“Well, Callie… and what do you think?”

My words slipped out of me before I could review them. “You’re a lot sweeter in bed.”

I winced as his laugh made him press harder inside me for a moment. “That’s the plan to stop you from being so difficult to get here the next time.”

He pulled away from me abruptly and turned his back to deal with the condom he’d had strategically planted in his bathroom all along. “Although the next time is probably going to be a few hours from now, once I’ve had a chance to get my mojo back.”

“You’re making it sound a bit like a video game stat.”

“Well that’s it then, never using that fucking phrase again.”

I pulled the covers over myself, feeling shy without him over me, but that almost made it more awkward because there I was now, nestled in his bed. “I have to work tomorrow,” I informed him, not for the first time of course. “I’m going to need to get enough sleep that I can get home early and get ready.”

“Get ready here,” said Lucas. “Lucy will have some unused makeup lying around you can borrow if you need that sort of thing, and I’ll make sure your clothes get washed and dried. You’re not going to need them overnight.”

Lucas being incredibly nice now he was getting everything he wanted was far from the worst outcome I could imagine.

“I don’t know that Lucy likes me enough to be willing to give me things,” I said, and then decided to be a little daring. “Especially if I’m going to be getting in her face a lot more from now on.”

Lucas turned that smile on me. “She’ll have to get used to it, because I’m planning to make everything official.” I clearly didn’t give him enough of a reaction, so he added, “As a girlfriend.”

“Were you planning on asking me first?” I said, to hide just how much more vulnerable the suggestion made me feel. What exactly would being Lucas’s girlfriend change about our situation? Even Lucas wouldn’t know, because Lucas had never been in the business of having girlfriends.

“No,” he told me. “That just gives you too much time to overthink it. Like you’re doing right now.”

I don’t know what my face did at that, but he crawled back over to me and slid under the covers alongside me. I flinched when he slung an arm over my shoulders, curling into a ball before I could stop myself. It was incredibly awkward to be so close to him like that.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to be like that now you’ve gotten what you wanted out of me,” Lucas said.

He surprised a laugh out of me, and the realisation that I needed to be a bit open with him if I wanted to have any hope of this working.

“I almost feel like you’re still a stranger,” I said. “I mean, we’ve been through all this… this deep stuff, but at the same time I don’t know anything about you. We’ve done everything backwards, in a way, and now it makes things so much harder.”

“I can’t do anything about how it started,” Lucas said. “But we can start to do things differently now.”

“That scares me,” I admitted. “I feel like I’m too invested in this already, but I have no idea if you’re so much as capable of feeling the same. If you’re going to just drop and break me and leave me worse off than I was to begin with.”

I could just see his face from the side, but I felt like his expression revealed thoughtfulness, concern… like he was wondering the same things about himself.