“Is that a problem?”

“I—” I tried to insert myself into the conversation, to say I couldn’t stay, didn’t need to stay, but I was so mortified by the connotations my words had gotten all caught up in my throat, and it didn’t seem like there was any room for me between the two siblings anyway.

“It’s none of my business,” Lucy said. “Have a nice night.”

I had a sense when Lucas was dragging me up the stairs to the second floor he was pretty embarrassed by that encounter too.

“Does Lucy have a problem with me?” I asked once we were far enough away that she probably wouldn’t hear.

Lucas shrugged. “Nothing personal I think. You’re probably just different enough from my usual type that she’s not sure what the fuck I’m really doing.”

I wanted to dig into that ‘usual type’ comment, but at the same time it felt like it might be a complete waste of breath. There had obviously been other girls in his life, so there was no point in starting to get jealous so long as I had no reason to believe they weren’t past tense… and it went without saying that I was not Lucas’s usual type. That was exactly how we’d wound up here that night.

“I never agreed to stay overnight yet, you know,” I reminded him.

“I wasn’t planning on asking you,” Lucas said. “You know how to speak up for yourself if you need to.”

I stopped with him in front of a door I assumed led to his bedroom and pulled out the phone he’d bought for me to text my mother about not coming home that night. She was going to be my most sympathetic parent, not that it really mattered what either of them thought any more.

“There,” I told Lucas. “My parents know where I am, so don’t think you’ll get away with dumping my body if something goes wrong.”

His eyebrows were up as he opened the door and gestured me through. His room was just as perfect as the rest of the house, which unsettled me. It didn’t feel like the sort of room a guy would occupy, or anyone’s personal room really—it was like the whole space had its personality missing. Perhaps that was what it was like to be Lucas, still struggling to find who he was with his memories missing.

Perhaps if I could gain his trust, the best thing I could do for him was to encourage him to address those missing memories, instead of trying to pretend they weren’t a problem for him. Perhaps that would change everything.

Nervousness swamped my plotting when Lucas brought me over to a doorway on the far side of the room and I saw a little bathroom in there, one side of it completely dedicated to a shower with no screen or door. The sink looked more like a monument, and I didn’t think I’d used a toilet that fancy in my entire life.

“Well,” Lucas said, “time to strip, I expect you to be clean before you get in my bed.”

I put my hands on my hips. “Who said I was getting in your bed?”

“Well we could go elsewhere in the house,” Lucas said, “but Lucy’s only smart enough to avoid my bedroom, and she’s definitely going to be pissed if she sees me fucking you into the ground.”

Fortunately he didn’t give me too long to think about that. He kissed me, hard, and then pushed me against the bathroom wall, keeping me occupied with his mouth while one hand dismantled my clothes and the other… I heard a rush of water and felt steam tickling my nostrils, and then he had two hands to tear my unbuttoned shirt down my arms, to drop my skirt, to push my bra up and my panties down. I’d bought some new stuff since I started my new job, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t even notice.

I had a moment longer to cope with being completely exposed in front of him when he was pulling his shirt over his head, then his eyes were roaming all over me as he pleased as he unbuttoned and lowered his own pants. His body was incredible, of course, sleek and muscled and with a spray of dark curls on his chest that matched his eyelashes.

As my own eyes dared to explore lower, he stepped closer, taking hold of my shoulders and pushing me in the path of the shower spray. Hot water laced my skin, and then that sensation was superseded by his even hotter mouth on my nipples, suckling one and then the other.

“You have the most lovely tits,” he sighed. He squeezed them as he continued to suck, and then I felt his hand sliding down my wet belly, his fingers sliding into the thicker wetness between my legs. “And here, of course, we need to make sure things are very clean.”

My head tilted back as he pumped his fingers inside me. The noises I was making echoed in the shower space. I kept reminding myself a house like this would have much better soundproofing between rooms than mine. I had to believe it, because I couldn’t deal with the thought of Lucy or Lucas’s parents hearing me.

My own hands were shyer than his, but I couldn’t resist touching what was right in front of me. I dug my fingers into the muscles of his arms, enjoying the way they tightened as he worked on me, and then as I fell more and more under the spell of what he was doing, I clung to his back to balance myself.

Lucas made me come fast and hard, the pounding of the water over my body making it feel like every part of me was throbbing in release. He took his hands away to shut the water off while I was still coming down, leaving me utterly aware of how vulnerable I was to him now, trails of water tickling my naked skin, my nipples stiff and aching from the cold and from his sucking.

Lucas was fumbling around on a shelf near the shower for something while he held me up, and then there was a noise I didn’t make sense of until he stepped back and reached between his legs—then, too fast for me to react, he grabbed me from behind, hoisting me up and supporting me on the wall, and with a growl and a thrust he was deep inside me.

The pain seared through me as every part of me stiffened. I was tensing for further agony, but Lucas stayed still, frowning at me.

“You’re not going to tell me you’re a virgin now, are you,” he said.

“Not if you’d rather I didn’t,” I managed to get out.

“Shit,” said Lucas. “Fuck. Well that was rude of me then, wasn’t it.”

With both his hands supporting me, he moved us out of the bathroom in slow steps, staying inside me so that I could feel his movements with each shift of his muscles. And now that the initial shock had worn off, there was a tiny jolt of pleasure in each of those movements.