“What are you trying to do?” I asked in a more or less stable voice, keeping my eyes on my paper.

“It’s for your own good,” Lucas said. “You’ll like it, too.”

The sirens started going off in my head too late, as Lucas’s fingers began to wiggle up under the edge of my skirt. My free hand moved of its own accord, clamping around his wrist, and I put my head up to give him a glare.

“Let go, Callie,” said Lucas, quiet but firm, and that plus a sudden loud footstep in the next room put my head in such a spin I did let go of him and hunched more aggressively over my work, trying to give the impression of not even remembering he was there.

Dane came back out with Bill of all people following him. Bill looked Lucas up and down with great interest, and when Dane introduced him as ‘Callie’s boyfriend’ I was in too confused a state to correct him, because at that exact moment Lucas wriggled his fingers to remind me he hadn’t actually taken his hand out from under my skirt. It was planted about halfway up my thigh, and as he slid his fingers down along the soft inner skin I was very aware of just how close he was to… But he was just trying to screw with my head again, he would never…

Dane and Bill turned away from us a little to talk about some job Bill was in the middle of, and Lucas’s hand moved again, this time creeping right up to the crease of my thigh. Suddenly the side of his thumb was pressing right up against my underwear.

I wanted to look up at him, to glare at him until he moved, but for the first few seconds I was in shock, and then as his fingers began to stroke between my legs, finding and then tracing the line where my private parts came together, I was too embarrassed to look up at him. I didn’t want to know what his face looked like as he touched me.

I didn’t want to give him a chance to see I was getting some enjoyment out of what he was doing to me, either. That was bound to encourage him—and he didn’t exactly need encouragement.

He was just trying to mess with me though, I knew, and if I didn’t give him what he wanted he would probably let me get back to my work quickly enough. So I pretended absolutely nothing was happening of interest, although my face was probably bright red.

I flinched as Lucas’s fingers pressed in harder. That had felt far too good to be happening with other people just a metre or two away from us.

I realised I had it all wrong. There was no way Lucas was going to stop if he could keep on getting away with it. If I wanted to get out of this situation I had to have the courage to… well, not speak up maybe, but…

I raised my face and then my eyes to his. His face didn’t seem all that different to usual, which made it even worse when I knew I was showing him with every expression I made that every movement of his hand felt great. I hadn’t realised it would feel so different to have someone else touching me, so I wasn’t prepared to handle it.

“Steady, Callie,” said Lucas, his voice below the level of Dane and Bill’s conversation. “Don’t let your work get too exciting.”

I felt his hand move off me and exhaled far more air than I thought I’d been holding onto… and then his fingers came back, fast. He pushed my underwear aside and was immediately touching me directly, a fingertip swiping over my clitoris and then two big fingers pushing right up inside me, meeting absolutely no resistance.

I completely failed at not reacting to that. Bill and Dane turned to us, and I tensed waiting for some disgusted response from them (which only made me feel the intrusion in my body all the more), but their faces revealed only mild interest. I realised they probably couldn’t see what Lucas was doing from the angle they were at. It was a perfect storm of the differing heights of the chairs we were sitting on and Lucas’s extremely long arms.

“How about I grab you some water, Callie?” Dane said. “And for you too, Lucas. Sorry, I’m so distracted today I’m forgetting my manners.” He clapped Bill on the shoulder and said, “Well, I won’t keep you. Let me know tomorrow how it goes.”

They were going to leave us alone. I sagged a little in my relief, but that just made me more aware of Lucas’s fingers still inside me, of the strange sensation of being filled there. Well, once we were alone I would do something about that right away—

“Lucas, was that it?” Bill said. He leaned against the frame of the front window, far too close to us. “So I guess you and Callie go to school together?”

He wasn’t going to leave yet, the bastard. And he was so close he was bound to see something if he—But Lucas wouldn’t push the game that far, would he? He wouldn’t want anyone to get a glimpse into what he was actually capable of… but assuming that left me trapped trusting his judgement on how far he should push things.

“That’s right,” Lucas said. “Actually, we’ve been going to the same school for a few years I think, right Callie?”

And as he turned to me, I felt a warning tickle inside as his fingers wriggled, and then he slid them out and pushed them back in, hard.

I thought I had to be in shock. That was surely the only way I was managing to hardly react now. “Um, yes,” I said. “I think you came to my primary school when we were nine?”

“That sounds about right.” Lucas started moving his fingers in and out slowly, which was much worse than if he’d just been pounding them in, because I had time to feel every millimetre. And as much as I hated where he’d chosen to do this, my body really, really liked the feel of what was happening.

“And after all that time you get together,” said Bill. “It’s a funny old world, isn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t say we’re exactly together,” I muttered, trying to keep my voice low to hide any of what I was feeling that might come through.

“No,” Lucas agreed, “I haven’t asked her.” His thumb brushed my clitoris. I thought I was going to pass out with the effort of holding my reactions in.

“So you’re the type to just ply a woman with gifts and keep her wondering,” Bill said.

“Something like that,” Lucas said. His fingers were still sliding in and out, with somehow no sign of that showing above the line of the table. The bastard had to be experienced at this. He moved his thumb more firmly into place and started to work on me in slow circles. I felt like I was melting on his hand, like I was some sort of ice cream on a stick. Things were definitely getting about that sticky down there, too.

I snapped back into a working posture as Dane returned to the room. He put mugs of water in front of Lucas and myself. It was a struggle to thank him and not flinch or snap. In my current state, I felt sensitive to all the other men around me as if they were directly rubbing against me or something.

“I didn’t bother getting anything for you, Bill, because you’re supposed to be already gone,” Dane said.