“She could scarcely stop him. She was just a child then too.”

“Let there be no strife between us” he begged.

“Forgive me Robert, continue,” she replied in a lighter tone.

“But when he died I was too far gone, and in the years that followed I did not return home until the eve of her wedding. Thoughtless of me, but that was, to me, simply the way of things,” he continued softly.

“Oh, Robert!” Her eyes were misty again.

“No tears, Amelia. Let me finish.”

“But, of course”

“But when she received my missive she had given up hope. When I visited at her estates I found she had flagrantly vanquished Society by making a home warm and alive with the joys of children. Even her household servants were like family and in that little moment of my stay I was like one of them. Her husband consulted me freely on all matters and so did she. Her children approached me without fear of my station or scars, and even roped me into several games of hide and seek. I carried them on my shoulders and I felt a peace within me.” He confessed this as if it had been one strange adventure.

“I am doubly glad. Your sister has flourished in spite of Society.” She pointed out.

“Would you spite Society with me? Marry me, Amelia.” The surprise widened her eyes and her hand flew up to hold in her gasp.

“Robert...?” It escaped anyway, with a hoarse edge because she had been crying and still had tears in her eyes. The throaty low flow of air tormented him with an image of the two of them entwined, seat slicked and her gasp filling the air.

“It is something I have given deliberate thought. Though it is only a marriage of convenience, I will treat you with the utmost courtesy and respect.” He was still reeling from the erotic vision.

“Robert.” She was afraid it showed too clearly. How did she know such fear?

“And I give you my word that I shall sign over total control of Mossford to you. I have no need of your dowry.” Everything she had ever wanted was so easily found. She was still wary. Maybe she was dreaming.

“Robert—this is sudden.” A token protest. She was embarrassed. She was reduced to being flustered. He had offered to save her. An offer of marriage from him was the only one she would consider at all.

“I have given this deliberate thought. I cannot bear the thought of you losing your land.” He soldiered on with a keen resolution.

“Marriage is not to be taken lightly. Think on it again.” She offered him an escape. For some reason that annoyed him. Any female would be ecstatic, just not her. Not his Amelia. His Amelia?

“We have friendship which is more than several Society marriages have.” He pointed out with a patience he was far from feeling. Friendship be damned, he wanted her.

“Indeed we do.” More?

“Will you think on it then?” At least she did not disagree.

“I will.” But she already knew what her answer would be. She felt strongly for him. He understood her. The two of them were hard done by Society and that formed a bond of some sort. She found comfort in their alliance.

“I am pleased. Will you take me to another place you enjoyed in your childhood?” He wanted the day to continue.

“Alas, I cannot take you climbing,” she said primly.

“I have never done it. You will have to tutor me,” he replied easily, with a deadpan voice.

“I doubt you could grasp the mechanics now.” Her voice was snotty.

“All my tutors claime

d I was apt. Perhaps they lied then?” She wondered all the things he had ever been taught and her body was wrapped by a thin thread of heat. His raised eyebrow told her he had an inkling of the direction of her thoughts.

“Robert? Why do you insist on teasing me mercilessly?” The blush she couldn’t hope to hide flushed her cheeks.

“I confess it is your blush,” he said with a conspiratorial smile.

“My...” Her cheeks burned with additional heat.