“You are making a jest of me,” she complained. He had stopped laughing aloud but was still overcome by silent fits of amusement.

“I assure you, I am simply overcome,” he protested before giving in to another fit of laughter.

“Indeed, you are.” He chuckled lightly and his arms tightened around her. He lowered his head to reply and caught her citrus scent. Lemon balm and sunshine. It was strange and unconventional, but then this beauty never was ordinary. Suddenly their position struck him as incriminating. He doubted she would be willing to wed him when she only meant to comfort him.

Comfort him she did. Her face burrowing in his chest was a welcome pressure he could feel through his coat and shirt. And he was on a path to relinquish the pleasure, but not just yet. Society be damned, there was not a soul around to see them.

He bent his head again and imbibed in that citrus scent. So like her—direct, sharp and yet addicting.

Amelia was aware of her position. Her tears had come quickly and had long dried up but she remained on his chest holding on to that phantom warmth. Initially, she had meant to comfort him and take comfort. After a moment in the embrace her heart had lurched, sending a pulse of heat to all her body. The aching heat in her belly started to boil slowly, like a thick pot stirred over the fire. She had never experienced the sensation but she was not so green not to identify desire. This was nothing like a stolen kiss by a bold boy of the local gentry or the shallow but trifling heavy-lidded flirtation in a ballroom.

Her body grew heavier and warmer until she feared he would feel it and know even through the many layers of fabric. She started to move, raising her head from his chest. He missed it immediately. It had become sweetly familiar in that short moment.

“I beg your forgiveness. I was too bold.” She apologised immediately as she moved away to what could be called a respectable distance.

He excused her. “You were overwrought and in need of comfort.”

“Thank you. Robert. You understand.” She was grateful he did not think she was forward or, heaven forbid, wanton.

“Your servant always.” He bowed solicitously.

“Still I feel I must touch on a matter. Something you said filled me with a profound sadness,” she stated in a clear tone that had him looking at her.

“Strike it from your mind.” He had enjoyed the embrace too much to take her apology right now.

“I find I cannot,” she insisted.

“I cannot in good faith allow you to take such a burden because I could not keep mum.” He was not pleased at the direction of their conversation.

“I am most pleased that you brought me into your confidence.”

“And I am most displeased that I have made you cry,” he said, by way of apology.

“We women are emotional creatures.” He nodded curtly but she was not done talking. “I must address this matter.”

“I cannot stop you.” It was her turn to nod curtly.

She gathered her inner resolve. There was also the possibility of drawing his ire. “Your father was wrong. Family is important. Love is strength, not weakness. I hope you experience love.”

Dashed deuce, if his mind was not going in forbidden directions. The words shocked him until he understood her innocent intent fully. She herself was unaware of the easy misconstruction of her words.

“But I have.” He could not resist the quip. She had given him such ready ammunition. The blush creeping over her cheeks was beautiful and her shock was even more entertaining. It took all his restraint to keep the threatening laughter to spill.

“Forgive me, Your Grace. I did not mean...” she blushed. “I did not intend to imply...” Gads! What had possessed her to say such words?

“Come now, Amelia. We are past such formalities and such petty misunderstandings. I perceive rightly what you mean to say, even if your wording was right bawdy.” He really could not stop the quip from spilling. The devil on his shoulder nudged him, and he followed, eyes gleaming mischievously.


“Let us acknowledge the truth between us,” he insisted.

“You're unkind to tease me so.” Her face burned in embarrassment.

“I only followed your lead.” His mischief was visible in his lethal crooked grin.

“Let this topic be at an end.” She tried to sound stern but it came out flustered.

“Your servant.” He murmured in amusement. “Set your heart at ease, Amelia. I have known love. I informed you that I sent a letter to my sister and she returned correspondence to me. She invited me to her husband’s estate and when I arrived proceeded to hug me wildly. She proclaimed she had said many a prayer for me. No ingénue when I was a child, she had seen the actions of my father.”