“Good,” she said. “Then you can have as many apples as you want.”

“Mi Lady?”

“You can have as many apples as you want,” she said. “Provided you don’t share it with Henry.”

That struck me dumb. Henry. Why was she talking of Henry, unless...

“That is the name of the stable boy, is it not?” she asked as she sliced a bit of her bread and smeared honey over it before throwing it into her mouth.

“Yes,” I said, breathing through my mouth. “That is his name.”

“He is funny, is he not? He makes you laugh?” she said.

“He does,” I said.

“That’s how it begins,” she said, spreading honey on bread, frantically. “Although, now one ever tells you how much heartache comes of that later in life, or how dreadful you would have to choose between such excitements and the comforts of marrying into the family of a rich lord if you are to make anything of your life.

“Even worse, nobody warns you of how handicapped and inept they will be when it comes to...much nicer matters as pertains to a woman.”

She bit into her slice of bread, watching me as she chewed.

“Tell me, has Henry attempted to put his tool in you yet?”

If my cheeks were hot before, they were on fire now. How could mi lady be speaking of such things? They were so unladylike. And yet, I couldn’t deny the odd fascination at the idea that perhaps we could in fact talk about it. I could feel a subtle moistening of my nether lips.

“Oh, he must have, by now. As dull as he strikes me, he cannot be that dull,” mi lady said.

“He—he has,” I said, feeling a weird shudder run through me.

“He has tried or he has put it inside you?”

“He has tried,” I said. “But I have not let him.”

“Wh—why? What are you waiting for?” she asked, sounding very surprised.

“I—I don’t know,” I said.

“Perhaps that is for the best,” she said. I turned to face her and saw she had a peculiar smile on her face that bespoke mischief. “Perhaps that has led to other delights?”

The memory of Henry asking me to hold his thing and milk him like a cow, and to take him into my mouth—which I refused—crossed my mind.

“Tell me, Eleanor,” mi lady said, smearing something wet across my lips. “does he make you hold him in your hands?”

I was too stunned to realize what was happening as mi lady pressed her lips against mine, kissing me as she sucked the honey off my lips.

I gasped when she pulled away. What was going on? What had just happened? And even as I questioned all this in my head, I could feel the flood that was spreading all over my thighs, making them slippery as they rubbed, one against the other.

“He makes you hold him, doesn’t he? Makes you stroke him,” she said as she dipped her hand into the cup of honey and brought two of her fingers to my lips. One of them smeared honey over my lips.

“I wonder if he’s got enough imagination to make you take him into your mouth,” she said as the other finger slid in between my lips, feeling my mouth with much sweetness as she stroked my tongue.

I could not question this invasion of my person, I was too busy glorying in the heady feel all of it gave me, as well as the tingly sensation it sent down to my cunt. There, I said it. My cunt clenched, relaxed, and clenched again.

“Pleasures all for him, pleasures all for them,” she continued. “Never enough. Never considerate, never caring that we might have needs of our own.”

Mi Lady drew me in for another kiss, and this time I welcomed her, letting my lips part slightly in reception of her prying tongue.

“Hmm,” she moaned into my mouth as she sucked the sweetness off my lips, drinking me.